This chapter provides detailed information about how to use various basic and advanced functionality to develop an Android application using the Zebra RFID SDK for Android.
Create The Project
- Start by creating a new project in Android Studio. For help, see the Android Studio tutorial.
- Refer Hello RFID to prepare basic setup to work with RFID Reader and then follow this guide
The Zebra RFID SDK for Android provides the ability to manage RFID readers’ connections, perform various operations with connected RFID readers, configure connected RFID readers and knowing other information related to connected RFID readers. All available APIs are defined under the com.zebra.rfid.api3 package. RFIDReader is the root Java class in the SDK. The application uses a single instance of an RFIDReader object to interact with a particular reader. Use available readers and the RFIDReader object to register for events, connect with readers, and after successful connection, perform required operations such as inventory, access and locate. It is recommended that all API calls should be made using Android ‘AsyncTask’ so that operations are performed in the background thread keeping the UI thread free. If the API call fails, the API throws an exception. The application should call all APIs in try-catch block for handling exceptions.