Deployment Bioptic Color Camera SDK for Linux


This document provides deployment information that allow MP7 color camera enabled application development for Linux.

Setting up the Environment

To install zebra camera SDK, Ubuntu 18.04 64bit or CentOS 7 64bit version is required. Before installing the packages, any existing zebra-camera-sdk package installation needs to be removed with the following code line, for Debian.

sudo dpkg -r zebra-camera-sdk 

dpkg -l | grep zebra-camera-sdk command can be used to check for any previous installations of zebra-camera-sdk

  • Install libgtk library

    sudo apt-get install libwxgtk3.0-0v5
  • Install OpenCV

    Instructions can be found at: It is imperative to install OpenCV 4.1.0 version for successful Application operation.

  • Install ZeroMq library.

    sudo apt-get install libzmq5
  • Use sudo ldconfig command to update the library database.

Installing the Packages

  • Navigate to the folder containing camera SDK Debian packages.

    ‘zebra-camera-sdk.x.x.x-xx.deb’ (E.g.: ‘zebra-camera-sdk.1.0.0-13.deb’)

  • Use sudo dpkg -i zebra-camera-sdk.1.0.0-13.deb command to install the Debian packages.
  • Once the installation is completed, perform a sudo ldconfig.
  • Use ps -e | grep camera-service to check the running status of the camera-service.
  • Verify the availability of required port numbers from the system.
  • Camera service and the applications open some sockets and bind with specific port numbers in the system. These ports should available/free and not acquire by any other programs. Following port numbers required by Camera service and the applications.

    1. 5555
    2. 5556
    3. 5557
    4. Starting from 5558, port numbers will be incremented by 1 per application. If we have only one application, then it will open only 5558. When opening another application, it will acquire port 5559, for the next application 5560 and so on.

    We can check the port availability using netstat command.

  • If the camera-service is not listed with the process id, the following command can be used to start the service.

    systemctl start camera-service

Note: camera-service start up can be delayed up to 1 minute depending on system performance. Please wait until the start command is returned to the next line.

Running Sample Application

  • Navigate to ‘samples’ directory.

    cd /usr/share/zebra-camera/samples
  • Super user permission will be required to run the sample application.

    sudo ./multi_client_zebra_camera_demo

Uninstalling the Package

sudo dpkg -r zebra-camera-sdk