EMDK APIs are now ready to use.


  • A plus sign ("+") can be substituted for a major or minor version number in the dependencies section. For example, declaring com.symbol:emdk:7.6+ uses SDK versions 7.6 and newer.
  • See the full list of EMDK versions.
  • The Java version used to compile a project is based on the compileSdkVersion selected for the project. Different versions of Android support different versions of Java. If necessary, the default Java version can be overridden. Learn more.

Uninstall EMDK


  1. Close Android Studio, if open.
  2. From Windows -> All Programs -> EMDK for Android [vX.X], select "Uninstall."
  3. Follow prompts to complete the uninstallation.

Mac OS

Note: This process references folders that are hidden by default. To unhide, see section below.

In the Mac OS Finder:

  1. Remove SDK add-ons:
    • Navigate to the /Users/[userName]/Library/Android/sdk/add-ons directory.
    • Remove all addon-symbol_emdk-symbol-XX folders, if present.
  2. Remove Wizard Core:
    • Navigate to the /Users/Shared directory.
    • Remove the "EMDK for Android" folder, if present.
  3. Remove Wizard plug-in:
    • Open Applications folder.
    • Locate and right-click Android Studio app.
    • Select "Show Package Contents" from the menu.
    • Navigate to Contents -> plugins directory.
    • Remove com.symbol.emdk.wizard.intellijIdea folder, if present.

To unhide Mac OS folders:

  1. Open Terminal app (in Finder -> Applications -> Utilities).

  2. Paste the following into Terminal window (and hit RETURN):

    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
  3. Right-click on the Finder icon (in the Dock) while holding the "Option/alt" key.

  4. Select "Relaunch" from the menu to make hidden files visible.

  5. To reverse, replace "YES" with "NO" in the Terminal command and repeat Step 3.


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