Sample Applications for JPOS Drivers


The Zebra Scanner JPOS Driver suite ships with a sample application that demonstrates all the JPOS operations on connected Zebra scanner and scale devices.

JPOS Sample Application (JPOS Test Utility)

The JPOS Test Utility allows you to simulate an application communicating with the Zebra Scanner JPOS Driver. This utility displays scanner and scale data received from the devices through the Zebra Scanner SDK. Zebra Scanner SDK includes source code for this Java test utility.

JPOS Test Utility Scanner Functionality

Figure 1: Scanner JPOS Test Window

Table 1 Scanner JPOS Test Utility Button/Field/Checkbox Functionality

Button / Field / Checkbox Description Values Code Samples
Open Open Method Zebra ScannerSNAPI;
Claim Claim the device with time out value. -1, Any integer starting from zero scanner.claim(1000);
Device Enable / Disable Enable or disable the scanner. Must enable before using scanners. N/A Enable: scanner.setDeviceEnabled(true);
Disable: scanner.setDeviceEnabled(false);
Release Release the scanner. N/A scanner.release();
Close Close the scanner. N/A scanner.close();
Scan Data
Scan Data Type Type of the scanned data. This is only a readable property. N/A scanner.getScanDataType();
Scan Data Label Label of the scan data. N/A scanner.getScanDataLabel();
Clear Input Clear method. Clears the input data. N/A N/A
Properties and Methods
Auto Disable Set the Auto disable property. N/A scanner.setAutoDisable(false);
Data Event Enabled Set data event enabled. Must enable data event to get data. N/A scanner.setDataEventEnabled(true);
Freeze Events Set the Freeze Events property. N/A scanner.setFreezeEvents(false);
Decode Data Set decode data enable. N/A scanner.setDecodeData(true);
Power State Get the Power State of the scanner. N/A scanner.getPowerState();

Viewing Bar Code Data

To view bar code data using the Scanner JPOS Test Utility:

  1. Scan the USB (IBM Hand-held) bar code, SNAPI bar code or Wincor-Nixdorf RS-232 Mode B bar code on Scanner Configuration Bar Codes to configure the scanner for the correct communication protocol.
  2. Launching the sample application.
    1. Windows - run C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Scanner SDK\JPOS\Sample Applications\bin\JPOSTest.bat to launch the Scanner JPOS Test Utility.
    2. Linux - execute the following commands to launch the JPOS Sample Application in Linux.

      cd /usr/share/zebra-scanner/samples/jpos-sample-app
  3. Select Open after entering the logical name.
  4. Select Claim.
  5. Select Device Enable.
  6. Select Data Events.
  7. Select Decode Data.
  8. Scan the following sample bar code:

    UPC-A 0-1234567890-5
  9. The bar code data the driver processed appears in the Scan Data Type and Scan Data Label boxes.

    Figure 2: Scanner JPOS Test Window - Scan Data

  10. Select Clear Input to clear the data from the Scan Data Type and Scan Data Label boxes.
  11. To perform a second test, scan another bar code.

Return Value

When calling any method, check whether the return value is 0 (=JPOS_SUCCESS) to ensure the method is successful. Otherwise it returns an error code, which indicates the reason for the error.

JPOS Test Utility Scale Functionality

Figure 3: Scale JPOS Test Scale Window

Table 2 Scale JPOS Test Utility Button/Field/Checkbox Functionality

Button / Field / Checkbox Description Values Code Samples
Open Open method. Zebra Scale.;
Claim Claim the device with time out value. -1, Any integer starting from zero scale.claim(1000);
Device Enable / Disable Enable or Disable the scanner. Must enable before using scale. True / False Enable: scale.setDeviceEnabled(true);
Disable: scale.setDeviceEnabled(false);
Read Weight Measures the weight of items(s) on the scale. -1, Any integer starting from zero scale.ReadWeight(&weightData, 1000);
Zero Scale Sets the current scale weight to zero. N/A Scale.ZeroScale();
Release Release the scale. N/A scale.release();
Close Close the scale. N/A scale.close();

Read Weight Error and Status Codes

Error Codes and Extended Error Codes

JPOS reports scale statuses as JposException Error code and the default values for each states are as follows.

Table 3 Scale Read Weight Error Codes

Value Error Code (Default) Extended Error Code (Default) Property in jpos.xml
STABLE_WEIGHT_OVER_LIMIT 114 201 extErrorOverWeight
STABLE_WEIGHT_UNDER_ZERO 114 202 extErrorUnderZero
NON_STABLE_WEIGHT 114 203 extErrorNonStableWeight
SCALE_NOT_READY 114 203 extErrorNonStableWeight
STABLE_ZERO_WEIGHT 114 204 extErrorStableZeroWeight

Both the Error Code and the Extended Error Code are reported in the same exception. Error Code value is common and the Extended Error Code is unique for each scenario.

The values of the ErrorCode and the Extended Error Codes can be changed from the JPOS.xml by updating the following property values.

<prop name="ErrorCode" type="String" value="114"/>
<prop name="ExtErrorOverWeight" type="String" value="201"/>
<prop name="ExtErrorUnderZero" type="String" value="202"/>
<prop name="ExtErrorNonStableWeight" type="String" value="203"/>
<prop name="ExtErrorStableZeroWeight" type="String" value="204"/>

Status Update Events

If the property StatusNotify is true when the scale is enabled, the following StatusUpdateEvent will be generated. Each event is denoted by the tag given in the tag column.

Table 4: Status Update Events

Event Tag

Measuring the Weight of an Item

To view the weight of an item using the JPOS Test utility:

Figure 4: JPOS Test Window - Scale Data

  1. Scan an IBM Hand-held, IBM Table-top, SNAPI, or SSI bar code to configure the device for the correct communication protocol.
  2. Launching the sample application.
    1. Windows - run C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Scanner SDK\JPOS\Sample Applications\bin\JPOSTest.bat to launch the Scanner JPOS Test Utility.
    2. Linux - execute the following commands to launch the JPOS Sample Application in Linux.

      cd /usr/share/zebra-scanner/samples/jpos-sample-app
  3. Enter the scale's logical name, and select Open.
  4. Select Claim.
  5. Select Device Enable.
  6. Place an item on the scale platter.
  7. Select the ReadWeight button. The item's weight appears on the adjoining text box.
  8. To measure the weight of another item, remove any items on the platter and place the new item on the scale; select the ReadWeight button.
  9. Select Release to release the claimed device.
  10. Select Close to close the logical device.