• Now supports ViewPort configuration parameters for better screen fitting, including:

    • <UseWideViewPort>
    • <ViewPortWidth>
    • <ViewPortInitialScale>
  • A new <LockOrientation> configuration tag automatically fits UI elements of EB apps.

  • Enhancements for SAP apps include new configuration tags for automatically adjusting UI elements in SAP ITSmobile apps for better auto-fitting:

    • <SapButtonHeight>
    • <SapButtonFontSize >
    • <MobileEditDisabledWidth>
    • <SapForceFitToScreen>
  • DOM injection has been simplified and made more powerful with:

    • Page-based Actions, which allow page contents to determine DOM injection.

  • Support for EB substitution variables to simplify file-path coding.

Version History

Added in v1.8

Device Support

EB 1.8 now supports the following mobile computing devices and operating systems:

  • CC5000-10 Android Lollipop
  • MC33X Android Nougat
  • MC55X Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5
  • MC55X Healthcare Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5
  • TC51 Android Nougat
  • TC51 Healthcare Android Nougat
  • TC56 Android Nougat
  • TC70X Android Nougat
  • TC75X Android Nougat
  • VC80X Android Nougat

Scanner Support

EB 1.8 is now supported for use with the following scanners when connected to the Zebra devices and operating systems listed:

  • DS3678 Ultra-Rugged Scanner
    • Running Android 7.0 (Nougat) on:
      • MC33X
      • TC51
      • TC51-HC
      • TC56
      • TC70X
      • TC75X
      • VC80X

See all supported Zebra devices.

Updated Installation SKUs

Enterprise Browser 1.8 (and higher) no longer downloads as a single SKU for targeting devices running Android and/or Windows Mobile/CE. Separate downloads are now required for each target platform and each host platform.

See the EB download page for more information.

Updated Guides

  • SAP ITSmobile Usage Guide - Now offers a new UserAgent section and enhanced Function Key Mapping information.
  • Migration Overview - Lists all options for migrating to Enterprise Browser from other platforms or solutions.
  • Shortcut Utility Guide - Updated to reflect separate utilities for targeting Android and Windows Mobile/CE.

New Config.xml tags

  • <DisableHardwareAcceleration> - Optionally disables hardware acceleration at WebView level within an Enterprise Browser app.
  • <ClientCertificate> - Optionally allows the alias name of a client certificate to be specified. Applies only to devices running Android Lollipop and higher.
  • <DisableAllIME> - Controls whether to use the input method editors (IMEs) in the Enterprise Browser app. Applies to Android devices running Lollipop and higher.
  • <HideSystemBar> - Controls whether the System bar (also known as the Navigation bar, which contains HOME, BACK and RECENT buttons) is displayed within the Enterprise Browser app. Applies only to the Zebra MC18 devices running Android Lollipop and higher or other devices with MX 7.1/OSX 6.2 and higher.
  • Enterprise Browser version info is now captured in the Config.xml file. On startup, EB apps compare and log information about possible mismatches between the Config.xml in use and the version of EB installed on the device. More info.

Enhanced Config.xml tags

  • <setHomeKeyDisable> - Now supported on all Android devices with MX 4.3/OSX 1.0 and higher; no longer limited to Lollipop.
  • <setStatusBarDisable> - Now supported on all Android devices with MX 5.1/OSX 5.1 and higher; no longer limited to Lollipop.
  • <setBackKeyDisable> - Now supported on all Android devices; no longer limited to Lollipop.
  • <setVolumeButtonDisable> - Now supported on all Android devices; no longer limited to Lollipop.
  • <setRecentAppDisable> - Now supported on all Android devices; no longer limited to Lollipop.
  • <DomStorageEnabled> - New "enabled" default setting helps preserve Enterprise Browser app data.

API Enhancements

The following new methods, properties and/or callbacks were added to Android APIs:

  • System API - Added deviceHostName property.
  • SignalIndicators API - Added deviceHostName callback parameter to wlanStatus method.
  • Signal API - Added deviceHostName parameter added to signalEvent method.
  • Barcode API - Added Multi-barcode UDI support, including the following new callback parameters and properties added to the enable method (applicable on Android with EMDK version 6.6 and higher):
    • Callbacks:
      • isUDIData
      • label
      • UDITokenizedData
    • Properties:
      • scanMode
      • enableGS1
      • enableHIBCC
      • enableICCBBA
      • adaptiveScanning
      • aimingPattern
      • connectionIdleTime
      • codeIdType
      • disconnectOnExit
      • gs1LimitedSecurityLevel
      • hanXin
      • hanXinInverse
      • mailMark
      • pairAfterScannerReboot
      • upcEanCouponReport

ButtonBar API family - Now contains 40 new ButtonBar APIs.


  • The following new callback parameters have been added to the enableRead method:
    • Callback Parameter - TagManufacturerName
    • Callback Parameter - TagTechnologies
    • Callback Parameter - ATQA
    • Callback Parameter - SAK
    • Callback Parameter - ATS
  • The default value of the proximitySensorType property has been changed from 22 to 65538 for Android Lollipop and higher

ButtonBar Enhancements

The following enhancements to existing custom on-screen buttons and keyboard features for Android have been added:

  • Custom On-screen Buttons/Keyboard Usage Guide
  • ButtonBar XML Guide - New ButtonBar and Button-Specific parameters have been introduced.
  • ButtonBar parameters
    • barTextColor
    • barTextStyle
    • barGapBtwnButtons
  • Button-specific parameters
    • buttonSecondaryText
    • buttonActionClick
    • buttonActionLongClick
    • buttonActionDown
    • buttonActionUp
    • buttonClickable
    • buttonPreview
    • buttonHapticfeedback
    • buttonHapticfeedbackduration
    • delay

ButtonBar API family - Now contains 40 new ButtonBar APIs.

Added in v1.7

ButtonBar API

A new Android-only ButtonBar API permits a series of custom buttons or keys to be displayed on the screen and configured to launch an app, execute a JavaScript snippet or perform other operations available to the device. img

Related links:

Device Support

EB 1.7 now supports the following new devices (shown in bold) and/or existing devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop and Android 6.0 Marshmallow:

  • TC51HC (HealthCare) Android Marshmallow
  • TC56 Android Marshmallow
  • DS3678 Ultra Rugged Scanner (when used with Android TC51/TC51HC Marshmallow)
  • CBL-NGWT-HDVBAP-01 External Vibrator (when used with WT6000 Lollipop)
  • ET50 Android Marshmallow
  • ET55 Android Marshmallow
  • MC32 Android Lollipop
  • TC75X Android Marshmallow
  • RS5000 Ring Scanner (when used with WT6000 Lollipop)
  • RS6000 Ring Scanner when used with:
    • TC51 Marshmallow
    • TC51HC Marshmallow
    • TC8000 Lollipop

See all supported devices

WebView Control

Enterprise Browser 1.7 now permits many features of the Android WebView to be controlled through the Config.xml file, helping to simplify access to device- and web-related security capabilities and user-experience features. EB 1.7 also increases the methods and properties provided in the WebView API.

These tags apply only to devices running KitKat and higher.

New WebView Config tags:

  • <LayoutLeft> - Optionally sets the horizontal start position of an EB app
  • <LayoutTop> - Optionally sets the vertical start position of an EB app
  • <LayoutWidth> - Optionally sets the width (not to exceed device screen width)
  • <LayoutHeight> - Optionally sets the height (not to exceed device screen height)

Other new UI-related tags

  • <customxmlfile> - specifies the location of the CustomScript.xml, an optional file containing custom JavaScript snippets to be called by custom on-screen buttons or other app functions.

  • <JSLibraries> - can be used to inject JavaScript API libraries (ebapi-modules.js and elements.js) into the DOM of every HTML page when it's not otherwise possible or convenient to edit the source.

New Substitution Variables

The following new substitution variables are now supported by Enterprise Browser for use in Config.xml parameters:

  • %PRIMARYDIR% - resolves to the root directory of internal device storage (i.e. /storage/sdcard0)
  • %SECONDARYDIR% - resolves to the root directory of external storage (i.e. /storage/sdcard1)
  • %PERSISTCONFDIR% - resolves to a directory that persists after an Enterprise Reset of the device (i.e. /enterprise/device/enterprisebrowser)

For details, see the Config.xml Reference.

Web Security Features

  • <ApplicationCacheEnabled> - allows an HTML5 app to be stored locally for off-line operation, improved speed and reduced server load.
  • <ApplicationCacheOnExit> - controls whether to erase a cached HTML5 app upon exiting it.
  • <SetCacheMode> - controls rules for loading pages from cache vs. loading from the server.
  • <DeleteCacheOnExit> - controls whether to erase contents of the browser cache when exiting an app.
  • <DomStorageEnabled> - controls whether application data is stored locally using HTML5 Web Storage.
  • <DatabaseEnabled> - controls whether to enable the WebSQL database.
  • <GeoLocationEnabled> - controls whether location data from the device can be consumed by the EB app.
  • <JavascriptEnabled> - permits JavaScript code execution within an EB app to be toggled on and off.
  • <SaveFormData> - determines whether an app will retain data entered by a user into forms, checkboxes and other input elements.
  • <BlockNetworkImage> - prevents the app from loading images over a network while allowing non-image resources to load.
  • <BlockNetworkLoads> - prevents the app from loading all network resources, including images.
  • <ClearWebData> - determines whether WebView data stored by the EB app will be retained when app returns to the foreground after the device HOME key is pressed.
  • <NavigateToHomePage> - causes an EB app to display its Start Page when the app returns to the foreground.
  • <MixedContentMode> - security feature that can prevent loading of content from insecure sites.
  • <WebFilteringEnabled> - controls whether web sites will be filtered by the addresses specified in the related tags (below).
  • <WhiteListingUrls> - explicitly allows one or more websites to be visited by an app.
  • <BlackListingUrls> - explicitly blocks one or more websites.
  • <DeleteCookiesOnExit> - automatically erases cookies stored by Enterprise Browser when exiting.
Additional Web-related Features
  • <BackgroundColor> - controls the color of the screen in areas apart from those of the app (if not already set by HTML).
  • <WebPageCapture> - diagnostic tool captures screenshots and source files for all app screens.
Device Security Features (for kiosk mode--Lollipop and higher only)
  • <setHomeKeyDisable> - prevents the HOME key (or capacitive button) on the device from exiting the current app.
  • <setStatusBarDisable> - prevents the status bar from being displayed (either automatically or by dragging down from the top of the screen).
  • <setBackKeyDisable> - disables the BACK key (or capacitive button), which could otherwise exit the current app and invoke the previously active app or Launcher screen.
  • <setVolumeButtonDisable> - prevents the user from controlling the speaker volume using device hardware keys.
  • <setRecentAppDisable> - prevents display of the Recent Apps list, which could otherwise allow the user exit the current app by selecting one from the "recents" list.

New or Updated APIs

  • An updated WebView API provides programmatic control over the Android WebView using new clearApplicationCache, clearCache, clearHistory, clearCookies, resizeWebviewLayout and resetWebviewLayout methods, and blockNetworkImage, blockNetworkLoads and contentHeight properties.
  • An updated Device API - adds a reboot method for Android.
  • An updated SIP API - adds disableAIIIME and resetToDefault methods for Android.
  • An updated RemoteNotification API - introduces a cancelNotification method and isLEDSupported, isBeepSupported and isVibrateSupported properties for Android.
  • An updated Barcode API - gives Android devices new resetToDefault and isParamSupported methods and properties for aimType, timesAimDuration, sameSymbolTimeout, differentSymbolTimeout, picklistEx, decodeLEDtime, decodeLEDFeedback, decodeLEDFeedbackMode, OneDQuietZoneLevel and PoorQualityDecideZoneLevel.

New or Updated Guides

  • A new Web Page Capture guide covers diagnostic features introduced in EB 1.7 that can capture screenshots and source code files for all app pages.

  • The new Customization guide shows how to customize the on-screen buttons on a device and how to include custom JavaScript snippets for use by the buttons or apps.

  • An updated Security Overview guide includes the new security-related Config.xml-file tags.

Added in v1.6

Android Jelly Bean - End of Support

Enterprise Browser 1.6 and higher will no longer support devices running Android Jelly Bean. For Jelly Bean support, please use Enterprise Browser 1.5 or lower.

Device Support

EB 1.6 now supports the following new devices and/or existing devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop and Android 6.0 Marshmallow:

  • ET50 with Android Lollipop
  • ET55 with Android Lollipop
  • MC18 with Android Lollipop
  • MC40 with Android Lollipop
  • TC51 with Android Marshmallow
  • TC75 with Android Marshmallow
  • TC8000 with Android Lollipop

See all supported devices

This release also adds a range of additional new features for all supported Android devices.

New or Updated APIs

  • New Enterprise Keyboard API - provides programmatic access to Zebra's software keyboard and some of its settings (applies only to Android devices with EKB 1.2 and higher).

  • Updated Barcode API - now includes decodeSound, decodeVolume, decodeFrequency and decodeDuration properties for Android (formerly available only for Windows Mobile/CE).

  • Updated Scanner API - adds KitKat support for the connectionListenerEvent.

  • Updated Sensor API - implements a proximitySensorType property to set the value of proximity sensor type or get its current value.

Ring Scanner Support

Enterprise Browser Kiosk Mode

New Tags for Android

The following Enterprise Browser configuration tags are now supported on Android (formerly Windows-only).

  • <ScanDecodeWav> - allows specification of a .wav or .ogg file to be played when a scanned barcode is successfully decoded.

  • <DecodeVolume> - controls the volume of the device beeper when a barcode is scanned.

  • <DecodeFrequency> - controls the frequency of the device beeper when a barcode is successfully decoded.

  • <DecodeDuration> - controls the duration (in milliseconds) of the device beeper sound when a barcode is scanned.

New or Updated Guides

  • New Security Guide - explains Enterprise Browser's numerous security features and provides links to their individual guides or guide sections.

  • Updated DataWedge Usage Guide - adds detailed steps for enabling and disabling DataWedge based on the version installed on the device.

Android Jelly Bean Deprecated

Enterprise Browser 1.6 and higher will no longer support devices running Android Jelly Bean. For Jelly Bean support, please use Enterprise Browser 1.5 or lower versions for Android Jelly Bean device support.

Key EB Features

  • A development toolkit for mobile cross-platform enterprise apps. Supports all enterprise devices: mobile computers, tablets, kiosks, wearables and vehicle-mounted devices. Supports multiple operating systems: Android, Windows Embedded Handheld and Windows Mobile/CE.
  • Build apps using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Use web skills to create great-looking applications. Based on open source and standard technologies, not proprietary toolkits. Access to the world's largest developer community.
  • Common APIs across all enterprise devices. Single code base; does not require different APIs for different OSes to create a true write-once, run-anywhere apps with a consistent UI. Easily access native device hardware with JavaScript APIs
  • Backward-compatible with PocketBrowser and RhoElements. Compatible with legacy PocketBrowser APIs, enabling a clear path forward for legacy apps. EMML (Meta Tag) support extended to Android. Compatible with legacy RhoElements JavaScript APIs, enabling a clear path forward for "RhoElements Shared Runtime" users.
  • Unparalleled access to device capabilities. Access all device features, including bar code scanning, signature capture, printing, RFID and more.
  • Thin client architecture. Simplifies device deployment and management by enabling instant application updates on devices; ensures version consistency.
  • Offers operating system "lock out". Hides access to distractions, such as web-browsing and games; simplifies user interface and eliminates risk of unauthorized changes to device settings. Password-protect settings screen and prevent any app from exiting.
  • Full-screen display. Maximizes available display space for a richer, more effective user interface; hides command bar and Start menu.
  • Extensive logging capability. Flexibility to easily capture logging information, reducing management and support effort.

Key EB Benefits

  • Reduces application and development costs and eliminates the need to develop, manage and maintain multiple versions of an application to support different types of devices and operating systems; provides highly cost effective support for a mixed-OS environment.
  • Protects the business from OS market uncertainty. Devices and platforms can continue to churn without impacting the business. These OS-agnostic applications work on Symbol, Motorola and Zebra Technologies platforms of yesterday (MPA2), today and tomorrow.
  • Reduces end-user training costs. Enterprise Browser app development is incredibly intuitive for developers skilled in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Leverage every feature on every device and attached peripheral. Easily design rich applications that take advantage of all the available features on a device and its attached peripherals, including barcode scanners, RFID tag readers and payment processing devices.
  • Create consumer-style apps for business Without OS constraints to impact app design, a graphical user interface can be created that is every bit as engaging, intuitive and interactive as today's consumer applications. Provides complete control of application behavior on different devices. With automatic screen resizing, apps can look, feel and behave identically on all devices, or display new features or expand the presentation of existing features to take advantage of larger screens.
  • Faster time to market. A simplified application development approach allows for shorter time to market than ever before.

Supported Devices

Device support tables have been moved to the EB download page on the Zebra Support Portal.


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