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JobControlHelperUtilZmotif Methods

The JobControlHelperUtilZmotif type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetCardDestination
Returns the current card destination location.
Public methodGetCardSource
Returns the current card source location.
Public methodGetCardThickness
Returns the card thickness in mils.
Public methodGetCardType
Returns the currently selected card type.
Public methodGetColorPreheatLevel
Returns the preheat level for the color panels.
Public methodGetDataSource
Returns the selected data source(s) to be used during a read job.
Public methodGetImageOrientationType
Returns the selected image orientation for the specified card side.
Public methodGetImageRotation
Returns the selected image orientation for the specified card side.
Public methodGetImageSharpening
Returns the image sharpening level to be used on the specified side of the card.
Public methodGetKPanelOptimization
Returns the selected monochrome panel optimization type for the specified card side.
Public methodGetKPreheatLevel
Returns the current monochrome preheat level for the specified card side.
Public methodGetMagBitsPerCharacter
Returns the bits per character for each track number.
Public methodGetMagCoercivity
Returns the current coercivity type for magnetic encoding.
Public methodGetMagDataFormat
Returns the magnetic encoding data format for each track.
Public methodGetMagDataParity
Gets the data parity for each track.
Public methodGetMagEncodingType
Returns the current type of magnetic encoding to perform.
Public methodGetMagSentinelFormat
Gets the sentinel format values for each track.
Public methodGetMagTrackDensity
Gets the density value for each track.
Public methodGetPrintOptimizationMode
Gets the print optimization mode.
Public methodIsDeleteAfterEnabled
Returns whether the image data will be deleted following a completed job.
Public methodIsKPanelOverwriteEnabled
Returns whether or not monochrome panel overwrite has been selected for the specified card side.
Public methodIsMagVerificationEnabled
Returns whether magnetic encoding write verification should be performed.
Public methodIsOcpReprintEnabled
Returns whether the OCP reprint button is enabled.
Public methodSetCardDestination
Sets the card destination for the current job.
Public methodSetCardSource
Sets the card source for the current job.
Public methodSetCardThickness
Sets the thickness of the card to be used.
Public methodSetCardType
Sets the card type to be used for the job.
Public methodSetColorPreheatLevel
Sets the color panel preheat level.
Public methodSetDataSource
Sets the data source(s) to be used during a read job.
Public methodSetDeleteAfter
Specifies whether the image data should be deleted following the current job completion.
Public methodSetEnableOcpReprint
Sets whether or not the OCP Reprint button will be enabled.
Public methodSetImageOrientation
Sets the image orientation for the specified card side for the current job.
Public methodSetImageRotation
Sets the image rotation type for the specified card side for the current job.
Public methodSetImageSharpeningLevel
Sets the image sharpening level to be used on the specified card side.
Public methodSetJobConfiguration
Method for configuring the current print job.
Public methodSetKPanelOptimization
Sets the monochrome optimization mode for the specified card side.
Public methodSetKPanelOverwrite
Specifies whether the monochrome panel overwrite should be performed for the specified card side.
Public methodSetKPreheatLevel
Sets the monochrome preheat level for the specified card side.
Public methodSetMagBitsPerCharacter
Sets the bits per character for each track.
Public methodSetMagCoercivity
Sets the magnetic encoding coercivity type for the current job.
Public methodSetMagConfiguration
Method for configuring settings for a magnetic encoding job.
Public methodSetMagDataFormat
Sets the magnetic encoding data format for each track contained in the specified Dictionary object.
Public methodSetMagDataParity
Sets the data character parity for each track for the current job.
Public methodSetMagEncodingType(MagEncodingType)
Sets the type of magnetic encoding to perform for the current job.
Public methodSetMagEncodingType(DictionaryTrackNumber, MagEncodingType)
Sets the magnetic encoding type for each track contained in the specified Dictionary object.
Public methodSetMagSentinelFormat
Sets the sentinel formats for each supplied track for the current job.
Public methodSetMagTrackDensity
Sets the density value for each supplied track number for the current job.
Public methodSetMagVerification
Specifies whether magnetic encoding write verification should be performed for the current job.
Public methodSetPrintOptimizationMode
Sets the print optimization mode.
Public methodSetSmartCardConfigurations
Configures smart card encoding for the current job.
See Also