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ZebraPrinterZmotif Methods

The ZebraPrinterZmotif type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbort
Aborts a print job.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodCalibrateLaminate
Calibrates the Laminator.
(Inherited from LaminatorUtilZmotif.)
Public methodCancel
Cancels all jobs or a specific job.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodCheckForAlarm
Gets the printer's current alarm code.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodClearError
Clears the printer error and returns the printer alarm information.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodClearOcpDisplay
Clears any custom line data from the OCP and returns it to the main view.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodClearRejectBinCounter
Clears the printer's reject bin counter.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodDestroy
Clean up all the resources and stop any running threads.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodEjectCard
Sends the card to the eject bin.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodGetAllJobSettings
Retrieve all settings and their attributes.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodGetAllJobSettingValues
Retrieves all of the device's setting values.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodGetAllSettings
Retrieve all settings and their attributes.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodGetAllSettingValues
Retrieves all of the device's setting values.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodGetAvailableCardTypes
Queries the printer and returns the available card types.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetAvailableMemory
Queries the printer and returns the memory available for job storage.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetAvailableSettings
Retrieve all of the setting identifiers for a device.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodGetCardCount
Returns the printer's total card count values.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetCardTypeInformation
Queries the printer and returns the card type information for specified card type.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetJobList
Returns a list of all the current jobs in the printer's queue.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodGetJobSettingRange
Retrieves the allowable range for a setting.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodGetJobSettings
Retrieve all of the setting identifiers for a device.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodGetJobSettingsValues
Retrieves the device's setting values for a list of setting IDs.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodGetJobSettingType
Returns the data type of the setting.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodGetJobSettingValue
Retrieves the device's setting value for a setting ID.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodGetJobStatus
Returns the job status for the specified jobId.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodGetLaminatorCardCount
Returns the laminator's card count.
(Inherited from LaminatorUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetLaminatorInformation
Returns the laminator's device specific information.
(Inherited from LaminatorUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetLaminatorOdometerValues
Returns the odometer names and values.
(Inherited from LaminatorUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetLaminatorSensorStates
Returns the sensor names and states.
(Inherited from LaminatorUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetLaminatorSensorValues
Returns the sensor names and values.
(Inherited from LaminatorUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetLaminatorStatus
Returns the laminator's current status.
(Inherited from LaminatorUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetLog
Queries the printer and returns the specified log.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetMagneticEncoderConfiguration
Returns the printer's magnetic encoder configuration.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetMediaInformation
Returns a List of the printer's installed media information.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetOcpDisplay
Returns the line data currently displayed on the printer's OCP.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetPrintCapability
Returns the transfer type of the printer.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetPrinterInformation
Returns the printer's specific device information.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetPrinterStatus
Returns the printer's current status information.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetReservationStatus
Queries the printer and returns the current status of the printer from the supplied reservation token.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetSensorStates
Returns the printer's sensor states.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetSensorValues
Returns the printer's sensor values.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetSettingRange
Retrieves the allowable range for a setting.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodGetSettingsValues
Retrieves the device's setting values for a list of setting IDs.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodGetSettingType
Returns the data type of the setting.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodGetSettingValue
Retrieves the device's setting value for a setting id.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodGetSmartCardConfigurations
Returns the printer's smart card encoder configurations.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodGetTestPrintImageNames
Queries the printer and returns a list of available test print image names.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetWirelessRadioStatus
Queries the printer and returns the Wireless Radio Status.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodGetWirelessStatus
Queries the printer and returns the Wireless Status.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodHasBarcodeReader
Queries the printer's configuration and returns true if the printer's configuration includes a barcode reader.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodHasLaminator
Returns true if the printer includes a laminator.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodHasMagneticEncoder
Returns true if the printer includes a magnetic encoder.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodHasSmartCardEncoder
Returns true if the printer includes a smart card encoder.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodIsEncryptionEnabled
Returns whether encryption is enabled on the printer.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodIsHostAuthenticationEnabled
Returns whether host authentication mode is enabled.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodIsJobSettingReadOnly
Returns true if the setting is read only.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodIsJobSettingValid
Returns true if value is valid for the given setting.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodIsJobSettingWriteOnly
Returns true if the setting is write only.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodIsSettingReadOnly
Returns true if the setting is read only.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodIsSettingValid
Returns true if value is valid for the given setting.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodIsSettingWriteOnly
Returns true if the setting is write only.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodCode exampleMagEncode
Encodes a magnetic card for the current job.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodPositionCard
Moves a card from the specified source to the specified destination.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodCode examplePrint
Prints a card.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodCode examplePrintAndMagEncode
Writes the magnetic encoding data and prints a card.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodCode examplePrintTemplate
Prints a card from the provided templatejobData.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodPrintTestCard(String)
Prints the specified test image.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodPrintTestCard(Byte, Int32, Boolean)
Prints the specified test image.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodProcessSettingsViaMap
Change or retrieve printer settings.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodReadBarcodeData
Sends a job to the printer to scan and return the barcode data from a card.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodReadMagData(DataSource)
Reads the data from a magnetically encoded card.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodCode exampleReadMagData(DataSource, Boolean)
Reads the data from a magnetically encoded card.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodRegisterAlarmHandler
Registers a callback routine for asynchronous reporting of printer alarm conditions.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodReject
Rejects a card from the printer's home position.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodReleaseDeviceReservation
Releases the reservation session associated with the reservationToken.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodReprint
Reprints the last rendered job.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodReserveDevice
Requests a reservation to a shared printer.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodReset
Resets the printer.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodResetNetwork
Sends the network reset command to the printer.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodRestoreLaminatorDefaultConfiguration
Restores the laminator's settings to their default configuration values.
(Inherited from LaminatorUtilZmotif.)
Public methodResume
Resumes the processing of a held job such as a smart card encoding job.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodResumeFromStandby
Resumes the printer from standby.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodRetrySmartCard
Repositions a smart card that is already present at the encoder.
(Inherited from JobUtilZmotif.)
Public methodScanWirelessAccessPoints
Gets the Access points discoverable by printer.
(Inherited from DeviceUtilZmotif.)
Public methodSetConnection
Sets the printer connection.
(Inherited from ZebraCardPrinter.)
Public methodSetJobSetting
Sets the setting to the given value.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodSetJobSettings
Set more than one setting.
(Inherited from JobControlProvider.)
Public methodSetOcpDisplay
Displays the specified line data on the printer's OCP.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodSetSetting
Sets the setting to the given value.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodSetSettings
Set more than one setting.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider.)
Public methodCode exampleSmartCardEncode
Positions a card at the smart card station, suspends the job to allow the card to be read or encoded, and waits for Resume to be called before completing the job.
(Inherited from JobUtil.)
Public methodUpdateFirmware(String)
Updates the printers firmware.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
Public methodUpdateFirmware(String, CardFirmwareUpdateHandler)
Updates the printers firmware.
(Inherited from DeviceUtil.)
See Also