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DeviceUtilZmotif Methods

The DeviceUtilZmotif type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearError
Clears the printer error and returns the printer alarm information.
Public methodClearRejectBinCounter
Clears the printer's reject bin counter.
Public methodGetAvailableCardTypes
Queries the printer and returns the available card types.
Public methodGetAvailableMemory
Queries the printer and returns the memory available for job storage.
Public methodGetCardTypeInformation
Queries the printer and returns the card type information for specified card type.
Public methodGetLog
Queries the printer and returns the specified log.
Public methodGetWirelessRadioStatus
Queries the printer and returns the Wireless Radio Status.
Public methodGetWirelessStatus
Queries the printer and returns the Wireless Status.
Public methodHasBarcodeReader
Queries the printer's configuration and returns true if the printer's configuration includes a barcode reader.
Public methodIsEncryptionEnabled
Returns whether encryption is enabled on the printer.
Public methodIsHostAuthenticationEnabled
Returns whether host authentication mode is enabled.
Public methodResetNetwork
Sends the network reset command to the printer.
Public methodResumeFromStandby
Resumes the printer from standby.
Public methodScanWirelessAccessPoints
Gets the Access points discoverable by printer.
See Also