RxLogger Modules

RxLogger 7.x


RxLogger data collection modules control the logging of individual components of an Android system. Modules can be enabled or disabled and their parameters can be modified as needed. Of the 12 included modules, seven are enabled by default:

Enabled by default:

Disabled by default:

Tap the "About" button for a list of active RxLogger modules: Tap the Settings button to edit module settings:

See also:

ANR Module

Controls collection of data from Android's "application not responding" (ANR) events. Event data is copied directly from the Android system and saved in a file called trace.txt or some variant thereof. For example, the ANR event for a post-loaded app would be similar to trace-<app_package_name>.txt.

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable collection of ANR files Boolean true
Log path The storage path for ANR files String <RxLogger_Path>/anr/

BTSnooplog Module

The BTSnooplog Module captures Bluetooth HCI (Host Controller Interface) snoop logs from the device, containing all Bluetooth transmissions made on the connected Bluetooth peripheral. Logs are stored in the folder <RxLogger_Path>/btsnooplog/. Bluetooth HCI snoop log is saved as hci_snoop<YYYYMMDDhhmmss>.cfa. At any time, there can be a maximum of 2 files, with each file reaching up to 64 MB in size. When a newer .CFA log reaches its maximum size, RxLogger overwrites the older .CFA log with the latest HCI details. RxLogger must be stopped before BTSnooplog log files can be collected.


  • BTSnooplog is not supported on TC15 and TN28 devices.
  • When a Bluetooth peripheral is paired and BTSnooplog module is enabled, expect Bluetooth to disconnect and re-connect to the peripheral as required for BTSnooplog to start capturing snoop logs. This also occurs when any changes are made to BTSnooplog configuration.
Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable BTSnooplog module log collection Boolean false
Log path The storage path for BTSnooplog files String <RxLogger_Path>/btsnooplog/
Select Trace Level Determines the amount of information logged List NONE - Index 0
WARNING (default)

Kernel Module

The Kernel module captures kmsg data from the Android system and outputs it to a series of numbered files (i.e. KLog0.txt, KLog1.txt, KLog2.txt) with 0 being the newest.

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable collection of kernel logs Boolean true
Log path The storage path for kernel logs String <RxLogger_Path>
Kernel Log filename The base file name to save kernel logs String KLog
Kernel Log File size (MB) The size of each kernel log file before rotating in megabytes Integer 10
Kernel Log Interval (sec) The rate at which kernel logs will be dumped into the collecting file Integer 30
Kernel Log file count The maximum number of kernel log files to keep at any one time Integer 2
Enable System Timestamp in Kernel Log Enable or disable time stamp in kernel logs Boolean true
System Timestamp Interval The interval to add timestamp in kernel logs Integer 60
Enable Logcat Integration Override Enable or disable logcat integration Boolean false

Logcat Module

Captures data from Android's internal logging mechanism, sometimes known as logcat buffers. The Logcat module captures any or all of the logcat buffers:

  • System
  • Event
  • Radio
  • Main
  • Crash

Module options allow data from any or all enabled buffers to be stored in separate files or in a single combined file. Output is stored in a series of numbered text files (i.e. Main0.txt, Main1.txt, Main2.txt) with 0 being the newest.

Reference material: Android logging and filtering

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable collection of logcat logs Boolean true
Log path The storage path for logcat logs String <RxLogger_Path>
Enable main logcat Enable or disable the collection of the main buffer Boolean true
Main log interval (sec) The rate at which main buffer logs will be dumped into the collecting file Integer 30
Main log filename The base file name to save main buffer logs String Main
Main log file count The maximum number of main buffer log files to keep at any one time Integer 2
Main log file size (MB) The size of each main buffer log file before rotating in megabytes Integer 5
Main log filter (sec) Custom logcat filter to run on the main buffer String
Enable event logcat Enable or disable the collection of the event buffer Boolean true
Event log interval (sec) The rate at which event buffer logs will be dumped into the collecting file Integer 30
Event log filename The base file name to save event buffer logs String Event
Event log file count The maximum number of event buffer log files to keep at any one time Integer 2
Event log file size (MB) The size of each event buffer log file before rotating in megabytes Integer 5
Event log filter (sec) Custom logcat filter to run on the event buffer String
Enable radio logcat Enable or disable the collection of the radio buffer Boolean true
Radio log interval (sec) The rate at which radio buffer logs will be dumped into the collecting file Integer 30
Radio log filename The base file name to save radio buffer logs with String Radio
Radio log file count The maximum number of radio buffer log files to keep at any one time Integer 2
Radio log file size (MB) The size of each radio buffer log file before rotating in megabytes Integer 5
Radio log filter (sec) Custom logcat filter to run on the radio buffer String
Enable system logcat Enable or disable the collection of the system buffer Boolean true
System log interval (sec) The rate at which system buffer logs will be dumped into the collecting file Integer 30
System log filename The base file name to save system buffer logs String System
System log file count The maximum number of system buffer log files to keep at any one time Integer 2
System log file size (MB) The size of each system buffer log file before rotating in megabytes Integer 5
System log filter (sec) Custom logcat filter to run on the system buffer String
Enable crash logcat Enable or disable the collection of the crash buffer Boolean true
Crash log interval (sec) The rate at which crash buffer logs will be dumped into the collecting file Integer 30
Crash log filename The base file name to save crash buffer logs String Crash
Crash log file count The maximum number of crash buffer log files to keep at any one time Integer 2
Crash log file size (MB) The size of each crash buffer log file before rotating in megabytes Integer 5
Crash log filter (sec) Custom logcat filter to run on the crash buffer String
Enable combined logcat The maximum number of crash buffer log files to keep at any one time Integer 2
Enable main buffer Enable or disable the addition of the main buffer into the combined locat file Boolean false
Enable event buffer Enable or disable the addition of the event buffer into the combined locat file Boolean false
Enable radio buffer Enable or disable the addition of the radio buffer into the combined locat file Boolean false
Enable system buffer Enable or disable the addition of the system buffer into the combined locat file Boolean false
Enable crash buffer Enable or disable the addition of the crash buffer into the combined locat file Boolean false
Combined log interval (sec) The rate at which combined buffer logs will be dumped into the collecting file Integer 30
Combined log filename The base file name to save combined buffer logs String Combined
Combined log file count The maximum number of crash buffer log files to keep at any one time Integer 2
Combined log file size (MB) The size of each combined buffer log file before rotating in megabytes Integer 10
Combined log filter (sec) Custom logcat filter to run on the combined buffer String

LTS Module

The Long Term Storage (LTS) module gathers log files generated by other active modules and stores them together for device health and behavior analysis over a period of time. Module output files are compressed with gzip and stored in the specified path, which is appended as shown below. Multiple stores in a single hour (noted in military time) are numbered from 00-99.

Storage Path: /<device_model>/<BSP_build_number>/<device_serial_number>/<YYMMDD>/<HHxx>/

Example: TC51/91-01-21-NN-00/16885225D0029/170621/2100/

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable LTS collection Boolean false
Log path The storage path for LTS files String <SDcard>/RxLoggerLTS/

Qxdm Module

The Qxdm Module captures Qualcomm Modem Logs from the device, which are read using a Qualcomm utility. This module also accepts a user-defined or custom configuration file Custom_filter.cfg generated by Qualcomm tools and stored in the <RxLogger_Path>/qxdm/cfg folder.

For SD660 devices, Qxdm Module appears only for WAN devices. For newer chipsets such as SD6490 and SD6375, it appears on both WAN and WLAN devices due to the added battery filter.

Warning: Output from this module consumes all available storage space if the log size parameter is left unspecified. Zebra recommends specifying a log size in accordance with available storage.

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable Qxdm collection Boolean false
Log path The storage path for Qxdm files String <RxLogger_Path>/qxdm/logs/
Qxdm Log Size (MB) Specify the size of each individual Qxdm log file Integer 100
Qxdm test sets to keep Number of test sets to keep (one test set is a start and stop) Integer 3
Choose Log Filter Select the log filter that Qxdm needs to process: Default, Battery, User Defined (from <RxLogger_Path>/qxdm/cfg/Custom_filter.cfg)
Note: The Battery filter only appears on TC15, TC53/TC58, TC73/TC78, TN28 and ET40/ET45 devices.
List Default – Index 0
Path for User Defined Filter The file name if using a user-defined config file <RxLogger_Path>/qxdm/cfg/Custom_filter.cfg String Custom_filter.cfg
Choose Logging Limit Type Select custom log option to specify the maximum number of log files to be generated List Default logging – Index 0
Custom Logging Number of log files to keep on a test set which must be specified by user Integer 3

Ramoops Module

Captures the last kmsg from the device, writing it to persistent memory immediately prior to a system crash. Ramoops outputs text files generated by the system at boot or after a kernel panic. These files contain raw kmsg data from the boot immediately prior to the crash. More about Ramoops.

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable Ramoops collection Boolean true
Log path The storage path for Ramoops files String <RxLogger_Path>/ramoops/
Base filename The base file name of stored ramoops file String ramoops
Ramoops file count The maximum number of ramoops log files to keep at any one time Integer 2

Recovery Module

The Recovery Module captures recovery/OSupdate logs as well as Android's Rescue Party logs from the device. Rescue Party is supported in RxLogger starting with Android 9.0, preventing devices from being stuck in reboot loops. If a bootloop is detected, Android sends out a "rescue party" to perform a series of actions in attempts to recover the device. As a last resort, Rescue Party reboots the device into recovery mode and prompts the user to perform a factory reset. Recovery logs are stored in folder <RxLogger_Path>/recovery, e.g. sdcard/RxLogger/recovery.

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable Recovery module log collection Boolean false

Resource Module

The Resource Module captures device information and system statistics at specified intervals to determine the health and behavior of device resources over a period of time. It outputs collected metrics as a series of comma separated values stored in .CSV files.

Devices across different chipsets typically display the same data, with the exception of Battery Power, in which the data displayed varies by device chipset.

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable Resource collection Boolean true
Log path The storage path for Resource files String <RxLogger_Path>
Resource log Interval (sec) The rate at which Resource collects and logs information Integer 60
Resource Log file size (MB) The size of each Resource Log file before rotating in megabytes Integer 10
Resource Log file count The maximum number of Resource files to keep at any one time Integer 2
Power Enable or disable the collection of battery statistics, see Battery Power Boolean true
System Resource Enable or disable the collection of System Resource information Boolean true
Advanced CPU Enable or disable the collection of CPU status Boolean false
Network Enable or disable the collection of Network status Boolean true
Light Enable or disable the ambient light level Boolean true
Bluetooth Enable or disable the collection of Bluetooth information Boolean true
Heater Enable or disable the collection of heater information Boolean false
Hide Non-Applicable data Enable or disable the collection of data not applicable based on available device resources. For example, a WLAN only device will not log WAN data. Boolean false
Hide Raw Data Enable or disable the collection of raw data information Boolean false

Battery Power

The availability of battery power data in the resource .CSV file (shown as columns) is based on the RxLogger version:

Battery Power RxLogger 7.0 RxLogger 7.75 RxLogger 7.29
Battery Remaining Yes Yes Yes
Battery Current Yes Yes Yes
Battery Voltage Yes Yes Yes
Battery Temp Yes Yes Yes
Battery Status Yes Yes Yes
Battery Manufacture Date Yes Yes Yes
Battery Serial Number Yes Yes Yes
Battery Part Number Yes 2 Yes Yes 2
Battery Backup Voltage (mV) Yes 2 N/A Yes 2
Battery Rated Capacity (mAh) Yes 2 Yes Yes 2
Battery Decommission Status Yes 2 Yes 4 Yes 2
Battery Base Cumulative Charge (mAh) Yes 2 Yes 4 Yes 2
Battery Error Status Yes 2 Yes Yes 2
Battery Present Capacity (mAh) Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 3
Battery Health Percentage (%) Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 3
Battery Percent Decommission Threshold (%) Yes 3 Yes Yes 3
Battery Present Charge (mAh) Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 3
Battery Total Cumulative Charge (mAh) Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 3
Battery Secs Since First Use (seconds) Yes 3 N/A Yes 3
Battery Time Remaining (minutes) Yes 3 Yes Yes 3
Battery Time to Full (minutes) Yes 3 Yes Yes 3
Battery Cycles Yes 3 Yes Yes 3
Battery Usage Decommission Threshold Yes 2 Yes Yes 2
Estimated Time Remaining Yes 1 N/A Yes 1
Estimated Time To Full Yes 1 N/A Yes 1
Ti Temp Yes Yes Yes
Ti SOC Yes Yes Yes
Ti Volt Yes Yes Yes
Ti Current Yes Yes Yes
Qti Temp Yes Yes Yes
Qti Temp Raw Yes 1 N/A Yes 1
Qti SOC Yes Yes Yes
Qti Volt Yes 2 Yes Yes 2
Qti Current Yes 2 Yes Yes 2
Charger Type Yes 2 Yes Yes 2
Pmux Input Yes 2 N/A Yes 2
Pmux Active Yes 2 N/A Yes 2
Screen State Yes Yes Yes
Screen Brightness Yes Yes Yes

1 Present on all devices except TC53/TC58, TC73/TC78 and WS50 devices
2 Only present on TC53/TC58, TC73/TC78 and WS50 devices
3 Only present on TC53/TC58, TC73/TC78 and WS50 devices with Power Precision+ Batteries
4 Only present on ET40/ET45 devices

Snapshot Module

Captures device information and system statistics at each "moment in time" to determine the health and behavior of device resources over a specified period. Outputs a single text file containing collected metrics for selected parameters for each specified interval. Though similar to the Resource module in function, Snapshot captures more precise data, including threads and dumpsys details along with a device fingerprint header for each file. Snapshot creates one text file per data collection set containing with the output of all enabled data selections.

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable Snapshot collection Boolean true
Log path The storage path for Snapshot logs String <RxLogger_Path>/snapshots/
Log filename The base file name of stored Snapshot file String snapshot
Log Interval (sec) The rate at which Snapshot will collect information and dump into its file Integer 1800
Snapshot file count The maximum number of Snapshot files to keep at any one time Integer 50
Top Enable or disable running the “top” command for data collection Boolean true
CPU Info Enable or disable running the “dumpsys cpuinfo” command for data collection Boolean true
Memory Info
(Choose one option)
Enable or disable running the “dumpsys meminfo -a” command to collect memory usage of installed apps. Disabled by default. Boolean false
Enable or disable running the “dumpsys meminfo -s” command to collect memory usage of system processes. Enabled by default. Available on all devices except WS50. Boolean true
Battery Info Enable or disable running the “dumpsys batterystats” command for data collection Boolean true
Wake Locks Enable or disable the collection of the sys/fs wake_lock information Boolean true
Time in State Enable or disable the collection of the sys/fs cpufreq for each core Boolean true
Processes Enable or disable running the “ps -p” command for data collection Boolean true
Threads Enable or disable running the “ps -t -p -P” command for data collection Boolean true
Properties Enable or disable running the “getprop” command for data collection Boolean true
Interfaces Enable or disable running the “netcfg” command for data collection Boolean true
IP Routing Table Enable or disable the collection of the net route for data collection Boolean true
Connectivity Enable or disable running the “dumpsys connectivity” command for data collection Boolean true
Wifi Enable or disable running the “dumpsys wifi” command for data collection Boolean true
File systems Enable or disable running the “df” command for data collection Boolean true
Usage Stats Enable or disable running the “dumpsys usagestats” command for data collection Boolean false

Tcpdump Module

Captures packet data for all device network connections and outputs a binary file that can be read with Wireshark and other standards-based network analysis tools.

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable tcpdump collection Boolean false
Log path The storage path for tcpdump logs String <RxLogger_Path>/tcpdump/
Base filename The base file name of stored tcpdump file String capture.pcap
Tcpdump file size (MB) The max file size used before rotating tcpdump files Integer 5
Tcpdump file count The max number of tcpdump files to keep Integer 2

Tombstone Module

Collects the Android native crash logs from the device, which contain stack traces and other details about the crashed process. Tombstone files are output in sequence starting with tombstone_00through tombstone_09 and starting again with tombstone_00. Beginning with Android 11, up to 32 Tombstone log files are output (reaching tombstone_31), after which the logs start again with tombstone_00. Use timestamps to determine the most recent files.

See Crash dumps and tombstones for more information on Android native crash logs.

Name Description Type Default Value
Enable Module Enable or disable tombstone collection Boolean true
Log path The storage path for tombstone logs String <RxLogger_Path>/tombstone/


Create a backup of the RxLogger folder on-demand as a .zip file containing all the RxLogger logs. This is particularly useful to save logs on a device at a specific point in time after an issue occurs. Backup logs are saved on the device as a .zip file stored in /sdcard/rxlogger/Backup-<date>-<HHMMSS>.zip, with the date and timestamp as part of the file name. Backups are triggered by any of the following methods:

  • RxLogger - from the main screen, tap on the top right menu and select BackupNow.
  • RxLogger Utility - tap on the round save icon, or chat head (cannot be deleted with a long press).
  • Android intent - use the BackupNow broadcast intent: com.symbol.rxlogger.intent.action.BACKUP_NOW.

Backup via RxLogger main screen (left) or RxUtility (right)