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SettingsHelperUtilZmotif Methods

The SettingsHelperUtilZmotif type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetActiveLUTTable
Returns the active calibration table identifier.
Public methodGetCalibrationTableData
Returns the specified calibration table data.
Public methodGetCalibrationTableNames
Returns the stored calibration table names and data.
Public methodGetCapabilities
Returns the specified capabilities of the printer.
Public methodGetCleaningInterval
Returns the cleaning interval for the specified path.
Public methodGetCleanWarningThreshold
Returns the clean printer warning threshold.
Public methodGetConfiguration
Returns the configuration of the printer.
Public methodGetContactlessSmartCardOffset
Returns the offset value for the specified contactless smart card encoder type.
Public methodGetCustomCardConfiguration
Returns the configuration of the specified custom card.
Public methodGetErrorControlLevel
Returns the printer's current error control handling mode.
Public methodGetHeadResistance
Returns the printhead resistance value.
Public methodGetImageTransferType
Returns the printer's image transfer type.
Public methodGetLaminatorOffset
Returns the specified laminator offset value.
Public methodGetMagneticEncoderOffsets
Returns the magnetic encoder offset values.
Public methodGetNetworkParameters
Returns the printer's network information.
Public methodGetOcpParameters
Returns the printer's OCP configuration.
Public methodGetPanelPowerLevel
Returns the power level of the specific panel.
Public methodGetSmartCardOffset
Returns the smart card offset value.
Public methodGetStandbyTimeout
Returns the printer's current standby timeout value.
Public methodGetTransferTemperatureOffset
Returns the transfer temperature offset value for the specified sensor.
Public methodGetWirelessParameters
Returns the printer's wireless network information.
Public methodLoadCalibrationTableData
Loads the calibration table data to the printer.
Public methodSetActiveLUTTable
Sets the calibration table to be used by the printer.
Public methodSetCleaningInterval
Sets the the cleaning interval for the specified path.
Public methodSetCleanWarningThreshold
Sets the clean warning threshold of the printer.
Public methodSetConfiguration
Sets the configuration of the printer.
Public methodSetContactlessSmartCardOffset
Sets the contactless smart card encoding position offset value.
Public methodSetCustomCardConfiguration
Sets the custom card configuration.
Public methodSetErrorControlLevel
Sets the printer's error control handling mode.
Public methodSetHeadResistance
Sets the printhead resistance value.
Public methodSetLaminatorOffset
Sets the sepcified laminator offset value.
Public methodSetMagneticEncoderOffsets
Sets the magnetic encoder offsets values.
Public methodSetNetworkParameters
Sets the printer's network configuration information.
Public methodSetOcpParameters
Sets the printers OCP configuration.
Public methodSetPanelPowerLevel
Sets the specificed ribbon panel's power level.
Public methodSetSmartCardOffset
Sets the contact smart card encoding position offset value.
Public methodSetStandbyTimeout
Sets the printer's standby timeout value.
Public methodSetTransferTemperatureOffset
Sets the transfer temperature offset value for the specified sensor.
Public methodSetWirelessParameters
Sets the printer's wireless network information.
See Also