- SAM - Class in com.symbol.emdk.sam
SAM class will represent and provides access to the physical SAMs
- same_barcode_timeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.ReaderParams
This setting is used to prevent the scanner driver from decoding the same symbol within this time interval (applicable only when
- sameSymbolTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.CameraSpecific
This setting is used to prevent the scanner driver from decoding the same symbol within this time interval.
- sameSymbolTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ContinuousRead
- sameSymbolTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific
This setting is used to prevent the scanner driver from decoding the same symbol within this time interval.
- sameSymbolTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.LaserSpecific
This setting is used to prevent the scanner driver from decoding the same symbol within this time interval.
- SAMException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.sam
The methods of SAM API may throw a SAMException when an error
- SAMManager - Class in com.symbol.emdk.sam
Once the SAMManager is initialized application can query the available SAM's information to the application.
- SAMResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.sam
Defines all the error codes that the SAM API returns.
- SAMType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.sam
Describes the type of SAM
- scanAndPair(String) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairManager
This is an asynchronous method.
- ScanAndPairConfig - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
The ScanAndPairConfig class provides a way to configure the settings to use it in scanAndPair() or scanAnUnpair() methods.
- ScanAndPairConfig.BluetoothInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
This class is used by the ScanAndPairTool class.
- ScanAndPairConfig.DeviceIdentifier - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Provides the list of DeviceIdentifier types.
- ScanAndPairConfig.NotificationType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
This enum is used by the ScanAndPair APIs to set the notification type.
- ScanAndPairConfig.ScanDataType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Provides the different types of barcode data to be scanned.
- ScanAndPairConfig.ScanInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
This class is used by the ScanAndPairTool class.
- ScanAndPairConfig.TriggerType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Provides the list of supported trigger types.
- ScanAndPairException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
- ScanAndPairManager - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
The ScanAndPair provides simple methods to scan a Bluetooth barcode (name or address) of a remote Bluetooth device
and pair/unpair with the remote Bluetooth device.
- ScanAndPairManager.StatusListener - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
An interface for notifying client applications to notify scan and pair or unpair events.
- ScanAndPairResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Provides list of result codes for ScanAndPair class.
- scanAndUnpair() - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairManager
This is an asynchronous method.
- ScanDataCollection - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ScanDataCollection object gives scanning result and the collection of
- ScanDataCollection.LabelType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
List of label types of the scanner data
- ScanDataCollection.ScanData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ScanData object gives information on the barcode data scanned.
- scanDataType - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairConfig.ScanInfo
Specifies the type of barcode data to be scanned.
- scanInfo - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairConfig
Specifies the scanning related information.
- ScanInfo() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairConfig.ScanInfo
Default Constructor for ScanInfo class to assign the default values to its members.
- scanMode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.CameraSpecific
- scanMode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific
- Scanner - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Scanner class will represent and provides access to the physical scanner
- Scanner.DataListener - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
An interface for notifying client applications when the scan data is
- Scanner.StatusListener - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
An interface for notifying client applications to notify scan events.
- Scanner.TriggerType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
List of supported trigger type
- scanner_input_enabled - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode
- ScannerConfig - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ScannerConfig class provides access to scanner configuration settings.
- ScannerConfig.AdaptiveScanning - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Enable or Disable Adaptive scanning.
- ScannerConfig.AimingPattern - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the aiming pattern to be turned ON/OFF.
- ScannerConfig.AimType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the type of aiming to use.
- ScannerConfig.AudioStreamType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Volume slider type for decode audio feedback.
- ScannerConfig.AutoCharacterSetFailureOption - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Failure option for auto character set selection.
- ScannerConfig.AutoCharacterSetPreference - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selection of character sets available for automatic decoding.
- ScannerConfig.BeamWidth - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Controls the beam width of a laser scanner.
- ScannerConfig.BooklandFormat - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Lists the Bookland formats
- ScannerConfig.CharacterSet - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selection of character set for decoding the barcode.
- ScannerConfig.CheckDigit - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The number of check digits to be verified.
- ScannerConfig.CheckDigitScheme - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Two algorithms are possible for the verification of the second MSI check
- ScannerConfig.CheckDigitType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Verify data integrity.
- ScannerConfig.CodeIdType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
A Code ID character identifies the code type of a scanned barcode.
- ScannerConfig.CouponReport - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Supported Coupon modes
- ScannerConfig.DecodeAudioFeedbackMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the Audio Feedback Mode is given by the host device and remote scanner.
- ScannerConfig.DecodeLEDFeedbackMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the LED Feedback mode is given by the host device and remote scanner.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The DecoderParams class contains decoder parameters that
are used by multiple decoder symbologies.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.AustralianPostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The AustralianPostal class provides access to parameters that are
available for the AustralianPostal decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Aztec - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Aztec class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Aztec decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.BaseDecoder - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The BaseDecoder class is the parent decoder to all decoders and is
inherited by all decoders.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.CanadianPostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The CanadianPostal class provides access to parameters that are
available for the CanadianPostal decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Chinese2of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Chinese2of5 class provides access to parameters that are
available for the Chinese2of5 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.CodaBar - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The CodaBar class provides access to parameters that are available
for the CodaBar decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code11 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Code11 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Code11 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code128 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Code128 class provides access to parameters that are available
for the Code128 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code39 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Code39 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Code39 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code93 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Code93 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Code93 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.CompositeAB - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The CompositeAB class provides access to parameters that are
available for the CompositeAB decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.CompositeC - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The CompositeC class provides access to parameters that are
available for the CompositeC decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.D2of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The D2OF5 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the D2OF5 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.DataMatrix - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The DataMatrix class provides access to parameters that are available
for the DataMatrix decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.DotCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The DotCode class provides access to parameters that are
available for the DotCode decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.DutchPostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The DutchPostal class provides access to parameters that are
available for the DutchPostal decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Ean13 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Ean13 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Ean13 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Ean8 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Ean8 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Ean8 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.FinnishPostal4S - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The FinnishPostal4S class provides access to parameters that are
available for the FinnishPostal4S decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.GridMatrix - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The GridMatrix class provides access to parameters that are
available for the GridMatrix decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1Databar - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1Databar class provides access to parameters that are available
for the GS1 Databar decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1DatabarExp - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1DatabarExp class provides access to parameters that are
available for the GS1 Databar Exp decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1DatabarLim - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1DatabarLim class provides access to parameters that are
available for the GS1 Databar Lim decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1Datamatrix - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1Datamatrix class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Gs1Datamatrix decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1QrCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1QrCode class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Gs1QrCode decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.HanXin - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The HanXin class provides access to parameters that are available for
the HanXin decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.I2of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The I2of5 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the I2of5 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.JapanesePostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The JapanesePostal class provides access to parameters that are
available for the JapanesePostal decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Korean3of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Korean3of5 class provides access to parameters that are
available for the Korean3of5 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MailMark - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MailMark class provides access to parameters that are available for
the MailMark decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Matrix2of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Matrix2of5 class provides access to parameters that are
available for the Matrix2of5 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MaxiCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MaxiCode class provides access to parameters that are available
for the MaxiCode decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MICRE13B - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MICRE13B class provides access to parameters that are
available for the MICRE13B decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MicroPdf - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MicroPdf class provides access to parameters that are available
for the MicroPdf decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MicroQr - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MicroQr class provides access to parameters that are available
for the MicroQr decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Msi - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Msi class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Msi decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.OcrA - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The OcrA class provides access to parameters that are available
for the OcrA decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.OcrB - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The OcrB class provides access to parameters that are available
for the OcrB decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Pdf417 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Pdf417 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Pdf417 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.QrCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The QRCode class provides access to parameters that are available for
the QRCode decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Signature - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Signature class provides access to parameters that are available
for the Signature decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Tlc39 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Tlc39 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Tlc39 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.TriOptic39 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The TriOptic39 class provides access to parameters that are available
for the TriOptic39 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UkPostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The UkPostal class provides access to parameters that are available
for the UkPostal decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Upca - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Upca class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Upca decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Upce0 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Upce0 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Upce0 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Upce1 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Upce1 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the Upce1 decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The UPCEAN class provides access to parameters that are available for the UPC/EAN decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Us4State - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The US4State class provides access to parameters that are available
for the US4State decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Us4StateFics - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Us4StateFics class provides access to parameters that are
available for the Us4StateFics decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.USCurrency - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The USCurrency class provides access to parameters that are
available for the USCurrency decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UsPlanet - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The UsPlanet class provides access to parameters that are available
for the UsPlanet decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UsPostNet - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The UsPostNet class provides access to parameters that are available
for the UsPostNet decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.WebCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The WebCode class provides access to parameters that are available
for the WebCode decoder.
- ScannerConfig.DotCodeInverse - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
values for decoder parameter inverse
- ScannerConfig.DotCodeMirror - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
values for decoder parameter Mirror
- ScannerConfig.DpmIlluminationControl - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Control the illumination for DPM barcode reading.
- ScannerConfig.DpmModes - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Select the DPM mode based on the type of barcode being scanned.
- ScannerConfig.GridMatrixInverse - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
values for decoder parameter inverse
- ScannerConfig.GridMatrixMirror - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
values for decoder parameter Mirror
- ScannerConfig.GS1LimitedSecurityLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Security level addition of GS1 DataBar lim decoder.
- ScannerConfig.HanXinInverse - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This parameter allows the user to select decoding on inverse HanXin barcodes.
- ScannerConfig.IlluminationMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Enable/disable illumination depending on ambient light conditions.
- ScannerConfig.Inverse1DMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This parameter allows the user to select decoding on inverse 1D barcodes.
- ScannerConfig.InverseOcr - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selects normal, inverse or both OCR scanning.
- ScannerConfig.Isbt128ContactMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Option for concatenating pairs of ISBT128 code types.
- ScannerConfig.LcdMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Enable or disable LCD mode (for Blockbuster imager devices only).
- ScannerConfig.LinearSecurityLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Sets the number of times a barcode is read to confirm an accurate
- ScannerConfig.MultiBarcodeParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
- ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Available NGSimulScan scanning modes.
- ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The NGSimulScanParams class provides access to NGSimulScanParams
parameters that are available to configure.
- ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanParams.MultiBarcodeParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MultiBarcodeParams class provides access to multi-barcode
parameters that are available to configure.
- ScannerConfig.OcrAVariant - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selects different OCR-A variants.
- ScannerConfig.OcrBVariant - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selects different OCR-B variants.
- ScannerConfig.OcrCheckDigitValidation - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selects Check Digit Validation Scheme.
- ScannerConfig.OcrLines - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Select number of lines to scan during OCR reading.
- ScannerConfig.OcrOrientation - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Specify the orientation of an OCR String to be read.
- ScannerConfig.OcrParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The OcrParams class provides access to OCR
parameters that are available to configure.
- ScannerConfig.OneDQuietZoneLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the effort at which the decoder will attempt to decode margin-less barcodes.
- ScannerConfig.PairAfterScannerReboot - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Enable/disable automatic reconnection after scanner reboot.
- ScannerConfig.PickList - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
- ScannerConfig.PicklistEx - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Allows the imager or camera to decode only the barcode that is directly under the
cross-hair (+)/center of the reticle part of the pattern.
- ScannerConfig.PoorQualityDecodeEffortLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the selection of enhancement modes for decoding barcodes of poor or degraded quality.
- ScannerConfig.PowerMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Set laser scanner power mode
- ScannerConfig.Preamble - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Controls the preamble applied to the barcode Preamble characters are
part of the UPC symbol consisting of Country Code and System Character.
- ScannerConfig.PresentationModeSensitivity - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Controls the sensitivity of scene detection in presentation mode.
- ScannerConfig.ReaderParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ReaderParams class holds the parameters for a
- ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
ReaderSpecific class provides access to the reader specific parameters.
- ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.CameraSpecific - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
CameraSpecific class provides access to the camera scanner specific parameters.
- ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ContinuousRead - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
- ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
ImagerSpecific provides access to the imager specific parameters.
- ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific.PresentationModeParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
PresentationModeParams provides access to the presentation mode parameters.
- ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.LaserSpecific - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
LaserSpecific class provides access to the laser scanner specific parameters.
- ScannerConfig.ScanMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
- ScannerConfig.ScanParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ScanParams class provides access to scanning
parameters that are available for all decoders.
- ScannerConfig.SceneDetectionQualifier - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Qualifier for starting scene detection when presentation is selected as Aim Type.
- ScannerConfig.SecurityLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The scanner offers four levels of decode security for UPC/EAN barcodes.
- ScannerConfig.SignatureImageBitsPerPixel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selection of bits per pixel for signature image
- ScannerConfig.SignatureImageFormat - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selection of format for signature image.
- ScannerConfig.SkipOnUnSupported - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes what to do when the scanner config fields are not supported for the specified scanner.
- ScannerConfig.SupplementalMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Supplemental modes
- ScannerConfig.UccLinkMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the UCC link mode state.
- ScannerConfig.UdiParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
- ScannerConfig.VerifyCheckDigit - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Check the integrity of all Code 11 symbols to verify that the data
complies with the specified check digit algorithm.
- ScannerConfig.ViewFinderMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Configures the Viewfinder modes supported for camera scanning.
- ScannerException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The methods of barcode scanning object throw a ScannerException when an error
- ScannerInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
ScannerInfo provides information of the scanner device.
- ScannerInfo.ConnectionType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
List of supported scanner connection types.
- ScannerInfo.DecoderType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This lists all the barcode types supported by scanners
- ScannerInfo.DeviceType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
List of supported scanner device types.
- ScannerResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Defines all the error codes the barcode scanning API returns.
- scannerSelection - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode
- scanParams - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig
The ScanParams property provides access to scanning parameters that are
available for all decoders.
- scanParams - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode
- scanTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairConfig.ScanInfo
Scan timeout in milliseconds.
- sceneDetectionQualifier - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific
Activate the Presentation mode of scanning based on a Scene Detection Qualifier.
- security_level - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams.Code128
The scanner of fers four levels of decode security for Code 128 bar codes.
- security_level - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams.Code39
Options: Security level 0 , Security Level 1 , Security Level 2 and Security Level 3 (default - Security level 1).
- security_level - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams.Interleaved_2of5
- security_level - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.UpcEanParams
The scanner of fers four levels of decode security for UPC/EAN bar codes.
- securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code128
The scanner of fers four levels of decode security for Code 128
- securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code39
Options: Security level 0 , Security Level 1 , Security Level 2
and Security Level 3.
- securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1DatabarLim
Sets the four levels of decode security for GS1 DataBar Limited barcodes.
- securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.I2of5
- securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
The scanner of fers four levels of decode security for UPC/EAN
- sensitivity - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific.PresentationModeParams
This parameter allows the user to set the value for sensitivity during the scanning session.
- SERIAL_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.TokenizedData.Keys
- SerialComm - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
This is the primary object to access the serial communication feature to communicate with remote device wither via USB/Serial.
- SerialComm.ControlSignal - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
List of control signals
- SerialCommConfig - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
The SerialCommConfig class provides access to configure the serial port settings.
- SerialCommConfig.BaudRates - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Possible baud rate constants defined.
- SerialCommConfig.DataBits - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Pre-defined constants for number of data bits in a serial frame in SerialComm object.
- SerialCommConfig.FlowControlMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Pre-defined constants to specify flow control.
- SerialCommConfig.ParityBits - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Specifies the parity bits for a SerialComm object.
- SerialCommConfig.StopBits - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Specifies the number of stop bits used on the SerialComm object.
- SerialCommException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
The methods of serial communication object throw a SerialCommException when an error
- SerialCommManager - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
This is the primary object to access the serial communication feature to communicate with remote device wither via USB/Serial.
- SerialCommResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Serial Communication error codes and its details.
- SerialPortInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Provides information about the serial port used for communication.
- setConfig(ScannerConfig) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.Scanner
Changes the settings for this scanner device.
- setConfig(SerialCommConfig) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm.SerialComm
Sets the serial comm settings for the currently choosen port.
- setConfig(SimulScanConfig) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanReader
Changes the settings for this reader device.
- setFastChargingState(boolean) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.CradleConfig
Sets fast charging state of cradle.
- setInterfaceConfig(InterfaceConfig) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.Scanner
- setLocation(CradleConfig.CradleLocation) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.CradleConfig
Sets the cradle location.
- setParams(Bundle) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.Scanner
Sets the param names and values
After calling enable(), user must wait for IDLE status before calling setParams() API.
- setSignalState(SerialComm.ControlSignal, boolean) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm.SerialComm
This method allows the application to set the status of control signal.
- setSmartCardPPS(byte, byte) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.sam.SAM
Sets the SmartCard PPS (Protocol and Parameters Selection).
- signature - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The Signature class provides access to parameters that are available
for the Signature decoder.
- signature - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder Signature.
- SimulScanConfig - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanConfig(SvcSimulScanConfig) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanConfig
- SimulScanData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanData() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanData
- SimulScanElement - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanElement() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanElement
- SimulScanElement(String, Object, int) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanElement
- SimulScanException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanException(SimulScanResults) - Constructor for exception com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanException
- SimulScanException(SimulScanResults, String) - Constructor for exception com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanException
- SimulScanGroup - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanGroup() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanGroup
- SimulScanGroup(String, Object, int) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanGroup
- SimulScanManager - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanManager(Context, EMDKServiceConnection) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanManager
- SimulScanManager.DeviceIdentifier - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanMultiTemplate - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanMultiTemplate(SvcSimulScanMultiTemplate) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanMultiTemplate
- SimulScanMultiTemplate(SimulScanManager, String) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanMultiTemplate
Create SimulScanMultiTemplate object from XML string
- SimulScanMultiTemplate(SimulScanManager, Uri) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanMultiTemplate
Create SimulScanMultiTemplate object from URI to template XML
- SimulScanReader - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanReader(SimulScanReaderInfo, Context, EMDKServiceConnection) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanReader
- SimulScanReader.DataListerner - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanReader.StatusListerner - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanReaderInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanReaderInfo(com.symbol.emdk.emdkservice.simulscan.SvcSimulScanDeviceInfo) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanReaderInfo
- SimulScanReaderInfo.DeviceType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanRegion - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanRegion() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanRegion
- SimulScanRegion(String, YuvImage, Object, int, RegionType, int, int) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanRegion
- SimulScanResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanStatusData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanStatusData() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanStatusData
- SimulScanStatusData.ExtendedStatus - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanStatusData.SimulScanStatus - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanTemplate - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanTemplate() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplate
- SimulScanTemplateElement - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanTemplateElement() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateElement
- SimulScanTemplateElement(int, String) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateElement
- SimulScanTemplateGroup - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanTemplateGroup() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateGroup
- SimulScanTemplateGroup(int, String) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateGroup
- SimulScanTemplateRegion - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
- SimulScanTemplateRegion() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateRegion
- SimulScanTemplateRegion(int, String) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateRegion
- skipOnUnsupported - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig
This flag to tells whether to skip the unsupported parameter/values and continue or stop setting the configuration.
- smoothEffect - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.CradleLedFlashInfo
Enable or disable the smooth effect of the LED blinking
- ssdcStatus - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanStatusData
- statusCode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.EMDKResults
- StatusData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
StatusData class provides access to scanner status.
- StatusData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
This class provides the Status detail of ScanAndPair.
- StatusData() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.StatusData
- StatusData.ScanAndPairStates - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Defines the different states of the scan and pir/unpair.
- StatusData.ScannerStates - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Defines the different states of the barcode scanner.
- statusDescription - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanStatusData
- stopBit - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm.SerialCommConfig
Specifies the number of stop bits to be used.
- subErrorCodes - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.EMDKError
Gets sub error code(s) from getLastError() as enum value of type
- subset - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.OcrParams
A custom group of characters in place of a preset font variant
- subType - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.WebCode
Webcode sub type enabled
- supplemental2 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
Flag to enable length 2 supplementals.
- supplemental2 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.UpcEanParams
Flag to enable length 2 supplementals.
- supplemental5 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
Flag to enable length 5 supplementals.
- supplemental5 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.UpcEanParams
Flag to enable length 5 supplementals.
- supplemental_mode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.UpcEanParams
The supplemental mode.
- supplementalMode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
The supplemental mode.
- supplementalRetries - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
Retry count for auto-discriminating for supplementals.