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SAM - Class in com.symbol.emdk.sam
SAM class will represent and provides access to the physical SAMs
same_barcode_timeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.ReaderParams
This setting is used to prevent the scanner driver from decoding the same symbol within this time interval (applicable only when aim_type = AIM_TYPE.CONTINUOUS_READ).
sameSymbolTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.CameraSpecific
This setting is used to prevent the scanner driver from decoding the same symbol within this time interval.
sameSymbolTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ContinuousRead
We recommend using the new fields shown below in your new applications.

For Camera Scanner: ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.CameraSpecific.sameSymbolTimeout

For Imager Scanner: ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific.sameSymbolTimeout

For Laser Scanner: ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.LaserSpecific.sameSymbolTimeout

This setting is used to prevent the scanner driver from decoding the same symbol within this time interval (applicable only when isContinuousScan = true). Basically in the continuous mode the user can perform rapid scan and to prevent the user from decoding the same barcode twice user can set this value to an appropriate interval (in milliseconds). A value of 0 means no interval is required between two successive reads. Boundary values are 0 to 5000 in milliseconds in 500 increments such as 0, 500, 1000... etc
sameSymbolTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific
This setting is used to prevent the scanner driver from decoding the same symbol within this time interval.
sameSymbolTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.LaserSpecific
This setting is used to prevent the scanner driver from decoding the same symbol within this time interval.
SAMException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.sam
The methods of SAM API may throw a SAMException when an error occurs.
SAMManager - Class in com.symbol.emdk.sam
Once the SAMManager is initialized application can query the available SAM's information to the application.
SAMResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.sam
Defines all the error codes that the SAM API returns.
SAMType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.sam
Describes the type of SAM
scanAndPair(String) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairManager
This is an asynchronous method.
ScanAndPairConfig - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
The ScanAndPairConfig class provides a way to configure the settings to use it in scanAndPair() or scanAnUnpair() methods.
ScanAndPairConfig.BluetoothInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
This class is used by the ScanAndPairTool class.
ScanAndPairConfig.DeviceIdentifier - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Provides the list of DeviceIdentifier types.
ScanAndPairConfig.NotificationType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
This enum is used by the ScanAndPair APIs to set the notification type.
ScanAndPairConfig.ScanDataType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Provides the different types of barcode data to be scanned.
ScanAndPairConfig.ScanInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
This class is used by the ScanAndPairTool class.
ScanAndPairConfig.TriggerType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Provides the list of supported trigger types.
ScanAndPairException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
ScanAndPairManager - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
The ScanAndPair provides simple methods to scan a Bluetooth barcode (name or address) of a remote Bluetooth device and pair/unpair with the remote Bluetooth device.
ScanAndPairManager.StatusListener - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
An interface for notifying client applications to notify scan and pair or unpair events.
ScanAndPairResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Provides list of result codes for ScanAndPair class.
scanAndUnpair() - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairManager
This is an asynchronous method.
ScanDataCollection - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ScanDataCollection object gives scanning result and the collection of ScanData.
ScanDataCollection.LabelType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
List of label types of the scanner data
ScanDataCollection.ScanData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ScanData object gives information on the barcode data scanned.
scanDataType - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairConfig.ScanInfo
Specifies the type of barcode data to be scanned.
scanInfo - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairConfig
Specifies the scanning related information.
ScanInfo() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairConfig.ScanInfo
Default Constructor for ScanInfo class to assign the default values to its members.
scanMode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.CameraSpecific
We recommend using the new scanning mode field introduced in the ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanParams class in your new applications.

Sets the scan mode. This allows to select one type from the ScanMode enum.

 	Example Usage:
 	readerParams.readerSpecific.cameraSpecific.scanMode = ScanMode.SINGLE_BARCODE;
scanMode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific
We recommend using the new scanning mode field introduced in the ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanParams class in your new applications.

Sets the scan mode. This allows to select one type from the ScanMode enum.

 	Example Usage:
 	readerParams.scanMode = ScanMode.SINGLE_BARCODE;
Scanner - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Scanner class will represent and provides access to the physical scanner device.
Scanner.DataListener - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
An interface for notifying client applications when the scan data is available.
Scanner.StatusListener - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
An interface for notifying client applications to notify scan events.
Scanner.TriggerType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
List of supported trigger type
scanner_input_enabled - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode
Gets and Sets scanner enabled state ProfileConfig.ENABLED_STATE.
ScannerConfig - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ScannerConfig class provides access to scanner configuration settings.
ScannerConfig.AdaptiveScanning - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Enable or Disable Adaptive scanning.
ScannerConfig.AimingPattern - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the aiming pattern to be turned ON/OFF.
ScannerConfig.AimType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the type of aiming to use.
ScannerConfig.AudioStreamType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Volume slider type for decode audio feedback.
ScannerConfig.AutoCharacterSetFailureOption - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Failure option for auto character set selection.
ScannerConfig.AutoCharacterSetPreference - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selection of character sets available for automatic decoding.
ScannerConfig.BeamWidth - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Controls the beam width of a laser scanner.
ScannerConfig.BooklandFormat - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Lists the Bookland formats
ScannerConfig.CharacterSet - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selection of character set for decoding the barcode.
ScannerConfig.CheckDigit - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The number of check digits to be verified.
ScannerConfig.CheckDigitScheme - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Two algorithms are possible for the verification of the second MSI check digit.
ScannerConfig.CheckDigitType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Verify data integrity.
ScannerConfig.CodeIdType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
A Code ID character identifies the code type of a scanned barcode.
ScannerConfig.CouponReport - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Supported Coupon modes
ScannerConfig.DecodeAudioFeedbackMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the Audio Feedback Mode is given by the host device and remote scanner.
ScannerConfig.DecodeLEDFeedbackMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the LED Feedback mode is given by the host device and remote scanner.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The DecoderParams class contains decoder parameters that are used by multiple decoder symbologies.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.AustralianPostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The AustralianPostal class provides access to parameters that are available for the AustralianPostal decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Aztec - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Aztec class provides access to parameters that are available for the Aztec decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.BaseDecoder - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The BaseDecoder class is the parent decoder to all decoders and is inherited by all decoders.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.CanadianPostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The CanadianPostal class provides access to parameters that are available for the CanadianPostal decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Chinese2of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Chinese2of5 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Chinese2of5 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.CodaBar - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The CodaBar class provides access to parameters that are available for the CodaBar decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code11 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Code11 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Code11 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code128 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Code128 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Code128 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code39 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Code39 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Code39 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code93 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Code93 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Code93 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.CompositeAB - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The CompositeAB class provides access to parameters that are available for the CompositeAB decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.CompositeC - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The CompositeC class provides access to parameters that are available for the CompositeC decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.D2of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The D2OF5 class provides access to parameters that are available for the D2OF5 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.DataMatrix - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The DataMatrix class provides access to parameters that are available for the DataMatrix decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.DotCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The DotCode class provides access to parameters that are available for the DotCode decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.DutchPostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The DutchPostal class provides access to parameters that are available for the DutchPostal decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Ean13 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Ean13 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Ean13 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Ean8 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Ean8 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Ean8 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.FinnishPostal4S - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The FinnishPostal4S class provides access to parameters that are available for the FinnishPostal4S decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.GridMatrix - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The GridMatrix class provides access to parameters that are available for the GridMatrix decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1Databar - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1Databar class provides access to parameters that are available for the GS1 Databar decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1DatabarExp - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1DatabarExp class provides access to parameters that are available for the GS1 Databar Exp decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1DatabarLim - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1DatabarLim class provides access to parameters that are available for the GS1 Databar Lim decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1Datamatrix - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1Datamatrix class provides access to parameters that are available for the Gs1Datamatrix decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1QrCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Gs1QrCode class provides access to parameters that are available for the Gs1QrCode decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.HanXin - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The HanXin class provides access to parameters that are available for the HanXin decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.I2of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The I2of5 class provides access to parameters that are available for the I2of5 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.JapanesePostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The JapanesePostal class provides access to parameters that are available for the JapanesePostal decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Korean3of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Korean3of5 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Korean3of5 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MailMark - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MailMark class provides access to parameters that are available for the MailMark decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Matrix2of5 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Matrix2of5 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Matrix2of5 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MaxiCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MaxiCode class provides access to parameters that are available for the MaxiCode decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MICRE13B - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MICRE13B class provides access to parameters that are available for the MICRE13B decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MicroPdf - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MicroPdf class provides access to parameters that are available for the MicroPdf decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.MicroQr - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MicroQr class provides access to parameters that are available for the MicroQr decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Msi - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Msi class provides access to parameters that are available for the Msi decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.OcrA - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The OcrA class provides access to parameters that are available for the OcrA decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.OcrB - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The OcrB class provides access to parameters that are available for the OcrB decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Pdf417 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Pdf417 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Pdf417 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.QrCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The QRCode class provides access to parameters that are available for the QRCode decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Signature - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Signature class provides access to parameters that are available for the Signature decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Tlc39 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Tlc39 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Tlc39 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.TriOptic39 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The TriOptic39 class provides access to parameters that are available for the TriOptic39 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UkPostal - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The UkPostal class provides access to parameters that are available for the UkPostal decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Upca - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Upca class provides access to parameters that are available for the Upca decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Upce0 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Upce0 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Upce0 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Upce1 - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Upce1 class provides access to parameters that are available for the Upce1 decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The UPCEAN class provides access to parameters that are available for the UPC/EAN decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Us4State - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The US4State class provides access to parameters that are available for the US4State decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Us4StateFics - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The Us4StateFics class provides access to parameters that are available for the Us4StateFics decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.USCurrency - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The USCurrency class provides access to parameters that are available for the USCurrency decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UsPlanet - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The UsPlanet class provides access to parameters that are available for the UsPlanet decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UsPostNet - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The UsPostNet class provides access to parameters that are available for the UsPostNet decoder.
ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.WebCode - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The WebCode class provides access to parameters that are available for the WebCode decoder.
ScannerConfig.DotCodeInverse - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
values for decoder parameter inverse
ScannerConfig.DotCodeMirror - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
values for decoder parameter Mirror
ScannerConfig.DpmIlluminationControl - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Control the illumination for DPM barcode reading.
ScannerConfig.DpmModes - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Select the DPM mode based on the type of barcode being scanned.
ScannerConfig.GridMatrixInverse - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
values for decoder parameter inverse
ScannerConfig.GridMatrixMirror - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
values for decoder parameter Mirror
ScannerConfig.GS1LimitedSecurityLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Security level addition of GS1 DataBar lim decoder.
ScannerConfig.HanXinInverse - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This parameter allows the user to select decoding on inverse HanXin barcodes.
ScannerConfig.IlluminationMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Enable/disable illumination depending on ambient light conditions.
ScannerConfig.Inverse1DMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This parameter allows the user to select decoding on inverse 1D barcodes.
ScannerConfig.InverseOcr - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selects normal, inverse or both OCR scanning.
ScannerConfig.Isbt128ContactMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Option for concatenating pairs of ISBT128 code types.
ScannerConfig.LcdMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Enable or disable LCD mode (for Blockbuster imager devices only).
ScannerConfig.LinearSecurityLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Sets the number of times a barcode is read to confirm an accurate decode.
ScannerConfig.MultiBarcodeParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This class has been deprecated. We recommend using the new ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanParams class in your new applications.

The MultiBarcodeParams class provides access to multi-barcode parameters that are available to configure.

When doing multi-barcode scanning consider the followings:

  • Barcodes can be of multiple label types. If the required number of barcodes (from 2-100, as set using the barcodeCount parameter) is not in view of the scanner, the scanner will not decode any data.
  • If the scanner's field of view contains a number of barcodes greater than the value set by barcodeCount, the scanner will randomly decode any barcode(s) until the count is reached. For example, if the count is set to two and eight barcodes are in the field of view, the scanner returns data for the first two barcodes it sees, and returns the data in random order.
  • There is no guarantee that the order of returned data will be the same on any two scans; order of individual barcode data can vary with each scan.
  • In multi-barcode scanning mode, when a picklist reader parameter is set to a value other than “Disabled," the user is expected to move the crosshair to the specified number of barcodes to be scanned. Set this value (from 2-100) using the barcodeCount parameter. Data is returned only after the specified number of barcodes is read.
ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Available NGSimulScan scanning modes.
ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The NGSimulScanParams class provides access to NGSimulScanParams parameters that are available to configure.
ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanParams.MultiBarcodeParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The MultiBarcodeParams class provides access to multi-barcode parameters that are available to configure.
ScannerConfig.OcrAVariant - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selects different OCR-A variants.
ScannerConfig.OcrBVariant - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selects different OCR-B variants.
ScannerConfig.OcrCheckDigitValidation - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selects Check Digit Validation Scheme.
ScannerConfig.OcrLines - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Select number of lines to scan during OCR reading.
ScannerConfig.OcrOrientation - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Specify the orientation of an OCR String to be read.
ScannerConfig.OcrParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The OcrParams class provides access to OCR parameters that are available to configure.
ScannerConfig.OneDQuietZoneLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the effort at which the decoder will attempt to decode margin-less barcodes.
ScannerConfig.PairAfterScannerReboot - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Enable/disable automatic reconnection after scanner reboot.
ScannerConfig.PickList - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This enum is deprecated and the recommendation is to use new enum ScannerConfig.PicklistEx. Allows the imager to decode only the barcode that is directly under the cross-hair/reticle (+) part of the pattern. This feature is useful in applications where multiple barcodes may appear in the field of view during a decode session and only one of them is targeted for decode.

Note: Selecting the picklist may adversely affect overall decoding performance.

 	Example Usage:
ScannerConfig.PicklistEx - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Allows the imager or camera to decode only the barcode that is directly under the cross-hair (+)/center of the reticle part of the pattern.
ScannerConfig.PoorQualityDecodeEffortLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the selection of enhancement modes for decoding barcodes of poor or degraded quality.
ScannerConfig.PowerMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Set laser scanner power mode
ScannerConfig.Preamble - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Controls the preamble applied to the barcode Preamble characters are part of the UPC symbol consisting of Country Code and System Character.
ScannerConfig.PresentationModeSensitivity - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Controls the sensitivity of scene detection in presentation mode.
ScannerConfig.ReaderParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ReaderParams class holds the parameters for a scanner.
ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
ReaderSpecific class provides access to the reader specific parameters.
ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.CameraSpecific - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
CameraSpecific class provides access to the camera scanner specific parameters.
ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ContinuousRead - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
We recommend using the new fields introduced in the scanner specific class in your new applications.

ContinuousRead class provides access to continuous scanning related parameters.

ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
ImagerSpecific provides access to the imager specific parameters.
ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific.PresentationModeParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
PresentationModeParams provides access to the presentation mode parameters.
ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.LaserSpecific - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
LaserSpecific class provides access to the laser scanner specific parameters.
ScannerConfig.ScanMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This enum has been deprecated. We recommend using the new enum ScannerConfig.NGSimulScanMode in your new applications.

Available scanning modes. This allows to select one type at a time.

 	Example Usage:
ScannerConfig.ScanParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The ScanParams class provides access to scanning parameters that are available for all decoders.
ScannerConfig.SceneDetectionQualifier - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Qualifier for starting scene detection when presentation is selected as Aim Type.
ScannerConfig.SecurityLevel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The scanner offers four levels of decode security for UPC/EAN barcodes.
ScannerConfig.SignatureImageBitsPerPixel - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selection of bits per pixel for signature image
ScannerConfig.SignatureImageFormat - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Selection of format for signature image.
ScannerConfig.SkipOnUnSupported - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes what to do when the scanner config fields are not supported for the specified scanner.
ScannerConfig.SupplementalMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Supplemental modes
ScannerConfig.UccLinkMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Describes the UCC link mode state.
ScannerConfig.UdiParams - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The UdiParams class provides access to UDI parameters that are available to configure.
ScannerConfig.VerifyCheckDigit - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Check the integrity of all Code 11 symbols to verify that the data complies with the specified check digit algorithm.
ScannerConfig.ViewFinderMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Configures the Viewfinder modes supported for camera scanning.
ScannerException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
The methods of barcode scanning object throw a ScannerException when an error occurs.
ScannerInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
ScannerInfo provides information of the scanner device.
ScannerInfo.ConnectionType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
List of supported scanner connection types.
ScannerInfo.DecoderType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
This lists all the barcode types supported by scanners
ScannerInfo.DeviceType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
List of supported scanner device types.
ScannerResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Defines all the error codes the barcode scanning API returns.
scannerSelection - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode
Gets and Sets scanner selection ProfileConfig.DEVICETYPES.
scanParams - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig
The ScanParams property provides access to scanning parameters that are available for all decoders.
scanParams - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode
Gets and Sets ScanParams configuration object ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.scanParams.
scanTimeout - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairConfig.ScanInfo
Scan timeout in milliseconds.
sceneDetectionQualifier - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific
Activate the Presentation mode of scanning based on a Scene Detection Qualifier.
security_level - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams.Code128
The scanner of fers four levels of decode security for Code 128 bar codes.
security_level - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams.Code39
Options: Security level 0 , Security Level 1 , Security Level 2 and Security Level 3 (default - Security level 1).
security_level - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams.Interleaved_2of5
Specifies security level Use enum ProfileConfig.SECURITY_LEVEL.
security_level - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.UpcEanParams
The scanner of fers four levels of decode security for UPC/EAN bar codes.
securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code128
The scanner of fers four levels of decode security for Code 128 barcodes.
securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Code39
Options: Security level 0 , Security Level 1 , Security Level 2 and Security Level 3.
securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.Gs1DatabarLim
Sets the four levels of decode security for GS1 DataBar Limited barcodes.
securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.I2of5
Specifies security level Use enum ScannerConfig.SecurityLevel.
securityLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
The scanner of fers four levels of decode security for UPC/EAN barcodes.
sensitivity - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific.PresentationModeParams
This parameter allows the user to set the value for sensitivity during the scanning session.
SERIAL_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.TokenizedData.Keys
SerialComm - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
This is the primary object to access the serial communication feature to communicate with remote device wither via USB/Serial.
SerialComm.ControlSignal - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
List of control signals
SerialCommConfig - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
The SerialCommConfig class provides access to configure the serial port settings.
SerialCommConfig.BaudRates - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Possible baud rate constants defined.
SerialCommConfig.DataBits - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Pre-defined constants for number of data bits in a serial frame in SerialComm object.
SerialCommConfig.FlowControlMode - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Pre-defined constants to specify flow control.
SerialCommConfig.ParityBits - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Specifies the parity bits for a SerialComm object.
SerialCommConfig.StopBits - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Specifies the number of stop bits used on the SerialComm object.
SerialCommException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
The methods of serial communication object throw a SerialCommException when an error occurs.
SerialCommManager - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
This is the primary object to access the serial communication feature to communicate with remote device wither via USB/Serial.
SerialCommResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Serial Communication error codes and its details.
SerialPortInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm
Provides information about the serial port used for communication.
setConfig(ScannerConfig) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.Scanner
Changes the settings for this scanner device.
setConfig(SerialCommConfig) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm.SerialComm
Sets the serial comm settings for the currently choosen port.
setConfig(SimulScanConfig) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanReader
Changes the settings for this reader device.
setFastChargingState(boolean) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.CradleConfig
Sets fast charging state of cradle.
setInterfaceConfig(InterfaceConfig) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.Scanner
setLocation(CradleConfig.CradleLocation) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.CradleConfig
Sets the cradle location.
setParams(Bundle) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.Scanner
Sets the param names and values After calling enable(), user must wait for IDLE status before calling setParams() API.
setSignalState(SerialComm.ControlSignal, boolean) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm.SerialComm
This method allows the application to set the status of control signal.
setSmartCardPPS(byte, byte) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.sam.SAM
Sets the SmartCard PPS (Protocol and Parameters Selection).
signature - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The Signature class provides access to parameters that are available for the Signature decoder.
signature - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder Signature.
SimulScanConfig - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The SimulScanConfig class provides access to reader configuration settings.

 	Example Usage:
 SimulScanMultiTemplate template1 = new SimulScanMultiTemplate(fileUri);//fileUri points to the template
 SimulScanReader reader = simulscanManager.getDevice(template1.deviceIdentifier);
 SimulScanConfig config = reader.getConfig(); // Reader object must be enabled before calling getConfig
 config.audioFeedback = false;
 reader.setConfig(config); // Reader object must be enabled and not scanning when calling setConfig
SimulScanConfig(SvcSimulScanConfig) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanConfig
SimulScanData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The SimulScanData object gives scanning result

 	Example Usage:
	public void onSimulScanData(SimulScanData simulscanData) {

		Date timestamp = new Date(simulscanData.getTimestamp());
		List<SimulScanElement> simulscanDataElements = simulscanData.getElements();
		List<SimulScanRegion> simulscanDataRegions = new ArrayList<SimulScanRegion>(); 
		for (SimulScanElement curElement : simulscanDataElements)
			if (curElement instanceof SimulScanRegion) {
				Log.d(TAG, ((SimulScanRegion) curElement).getName());
			} else if (curElement instanceof SimulScanGroup) {	
				List<SimulScanRegion> regionsInGroup = ((SimulScanGroup)curElement).getRegions();
				for (SimulScanRegion curRegion : regionsInGroup){
					Log.d(TAG, "Group:"+ ((SimulScanGroup)curElement).getName() +"Region:"+ ((SimulScanRegion) curRegion).getName());
SimulScanData() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanData
SimulScanElement - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The SimulScanElement abstract class represents a processed SimulScanTemplateElement.
SimulScanElement() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanElement
SimulScanElement(String, Object, int) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanElement
SimulScanException - Exception in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The SimulScan APIs throw a SimulScanException when an error occurs. The error could be due to:
  1. Incorrect use of APIs
  2. Or in case of an unexpected error
SimulScanException(SimulScanResults) - Constructor for exception com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanException
SimulScanException(SimulScanResults, String) - Constructor for exception com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanException
SimulScanGroup - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The SimulScanGroup class represents a processed SimulScanTemplateGroup.
SimulScanGroup() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanGroup
SimulScanGroup(String, Object, int) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanGroup
SimulScanManager - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

This is the primary object to access the SimulScan feature.

 	public class MainActivity extends Activity implements EMDKListener,
		DataListerner, StatusListerner {

	  	protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   		 EMDKResults results = EMDKManager.getEMDKManager(getApplicationContext(), this);

		public void onOpened(EMDKManager emdkManager) {
			this.emdkManager = emdkManager;
	    simulScanManager = (SimulScanManager)this.emdkManager.getInstance(FEATURE_TYPE.SIMULSCAN);
      List<SimulScanReaderInfo> readerInfoList = simulScanManager.getSupportedDevicesInfo();
      SimulScanReader reader = simulScanManager.getDevice(readerInfoList.get(0));
      // set template before calling read;
When using SimulScan API consider the following:

  • The SimulScan API currently supports CAMERA, IMAGER and DEFAULT reader device types. Specifying CAMERA will use the Camera and specifying IMAGER will use the Imager. Specifying DEFAULT will use the input source already defined in the template but this option is currently not working as expected.
SimulScanManager(Context, EMDKServiceConnection) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanManager
SimulScanManager.DeviceIdentifier - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

Defines scanner device identifier.

SimulScanMultiTemplate - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The SimulScanMultiTemplate class contains an entire parsed XML template file. It may consist of many individual Template.
SimulScanMultiTemplate(SvcSimulScanMultiTemplate) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanMultiTemplate
SimulScanMultiTemplate(SimulScanManager, String) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanMultiTemplate
Create SimulScanMultiTemplate object from XML string
SimulScanMultiTemplate(SimulScanManager, Uri) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanMultiTemplate
Create SimulScanMultiTemplate object from URI to template XML
SimulScanReader - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

SimulScanReader class will represent and provides access to the physical Reader device.

 	Example Usage:
 	List<SimulScanReaderInfo> readerInfoList = simulscanManager.getSupportedDevicesInfo();
 	SimulScanReader reader = simulscanManager.getDevice(readerInfoList.get(0));
 	// Set template before calling read;
When using SimulScanReader consider the following:

  • Calling with any unlicensed features in the selected template, an ERROR state is returned with extended status as "UNLICENSED_FEATURE" for each unlicensed feature in the template. Use SimulScanStatusData.getStatusDescription() to view the name of the unlicensed feature(s).
SimulScanReader(SimulScanReaderInfo, Context, EMDKServiceConnection) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanReader
SimulScanReader.DataListerner - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

An interface for notifying client applications when the scan data is available.

 	Example Usage:
  public class MainActivity extends Activity implements DataListerner
  .. .. ..
SimulScanReader.StatusListerner - Interface in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

An interface for notifying client applications to notify scan events.

 	Example Usage:
  public class MainActivity extends Activity implements StatusListerner
  .. .. ..
SimulScanReaderInfo - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

SimulScanReaderInfo provides information of the reader device.

 	Example Usage:
SimulScanReaderInfo(com.symbol.emdk.emdkservice.simulscan.SvcSimulScanDeviceInfo) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanReaderInfo
SimulScanReaderInfo.DeviceType - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

List of supported scanner device type.

 	Example Usage:
SimulScanRegion - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The SimulScanRegion class represents a processed SimulScanTemplateRegion.
SimulScanRegion() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanRegion
SimulScanRegion(String, YuvImage, Object, int, RegionType, int, int) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanRegion
SimulScanResults - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

Defines all the error codes the SimulScan API returns.
SimulScanStatusData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

SimulScanStatusData class provides access to reader status.

 	Example Usage:
SimulScanStatusData() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanStatusData
SimulScanStatusData.ExtendedStatus - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

Available reader extended statuses.
SimulScanStatusData.SimulScanStatus - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

Available reader statuses.

SimulScanTemplate - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The Template class represents the XML template passed into the SimulScanEngine. All of the recognizable tags and attributes are placed into this class.
SimulScanTemplate() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplate
SimulScanTemplateElement - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The TemplateElement class represents elements nested directly under the tag in an XML template file
SimulScanTemplateElement() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateElement
SimulScanTemplateElement(int, String) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateElement
SimulScanTemplateGroup - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The SimulScanTemplateGroup class is a grouping of multiple SimulScanTemplateRegion items.
SimulScanTemplateGroup() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateGroup
SimulScanTemplateGroup(int, String) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateGroup
SimulScanTemplateRegion - Class in com.symbol.emdk.simulscan
This feature is supported only on devices prior to those running Android 10 Q.

The SimulScanTemplateRegion class represents a particular region in a Template.
SimulScanTemplateRegion() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateRegion
SimulScanTemplateRegion(int, String) - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateRegion
skipOnUnsupported - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig
This flag to tells whether to skip the unsupported parameter/values and continue or stop setting the configuration.
smoothEffect - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.CradleLedFlashInfo
Enable or disable the smooth effect of the LED blinking
ssdcStatus - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanStatusData
statusCode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.EMDKResults
Gets status code result from process profile as enum value of type EMDKResults.STATUS_CODE.
StatusData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
StatusData class provides access to scanner status.
StatusData - Class in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
This class provides the Status detail of ScanAndPair.
StatusData() - Constructor for class com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.StatusData
StatusData.ScanAndPairStates - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair
Defines the different states of the scan and pir/unpair.
StatusData.ScannerStates - Enum in com.symbol.emdk.barcode
Defines the different states of the barcode scanner.
statusDescription - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanStatusData
stopBit - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm.SerialCommConfig
Specifies the number of stop bits to be used.
subErrorCodes - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.EMDKError
Gets sub error code(s) from getLastError() as enum value of type EMDKSubErrorCode.
subset - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.OcrParams
A custom group of characters in place of a preset font variant
subType - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.WebCode
Webcode sub type enabled
supplemental2 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
Flag to enable length 2 supplementals.
supplemental2 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.UpcEanParams
Flag to enable length 2 supplementals.
supplemental5 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
Flag to enable length 5 supplementals.
supplemental5 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.UpcEanParams
Flag to enable length 5 supplementals.
supplemental_mode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.UpcEanParams
The supplemental mode.
supplementalMode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
The supplemental mode.
supplementalRetries - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.UpcEanParams
Retry count for auto-discriminating for supplementals.
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